T i r u v a i m o z h i   of   N a m m a z h w a r - Centum : 8-5

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maayakkooththaa!vaamanaa!*vinaiyEn_kaNNaa! kaNkaigaal*
thooyacheyya malargaLaach*chOthichchevvaay mugizathaa*
chaayalchaamath thirumEni* thaNpaachadaiyaa*
thaamarainNeeL vaachaththadampOl varuvaanE!*orunNaaL kaaNa vaaraayE.(2)	8.5.1

1. Oh Lord! The Wonderful Master! VaamanA! KaNNA! The leelA krishNA! My
Chief! I will compare Your Beauty to the Lotus Pond only because Your
eyes, hands, Feet are all so cute and lovely like that of fresh just
bloomed Lotus petals. Your coral lips, that mouth is like the rose reddish
Lotus bud in the middle. Dark, cool, Divya ThirumEni (divine body) is
similar to the cool beautiful Lotus green leaf. Hene, I can tell that You
are the most fragrant Lotus pond. (thaamaraith thadaakam). Such Beautiful
Lord! At least only one day- You should come for me to see You.

`kaaNavaaraay' enRenRu* kaNNumvaayum thuvarndhu*
adiyEn naaNi nannaattu alamandhaal*irangi orunNaaL nee_andhO*
kaaNavaaraay karunNaayiRuthikkum*karumaamaaNikka*
naaL_nalmalaipOl chutarchchOthi* mudichEr chenni ammaanE!	8.5.2

2. My Master! When I see Your bright, shining beautiful Head (with long
dark hairs), it appears like the Bright Black Sun rising on top of the
Emerald mountain. I would love to see that Beauty of Yours, with my eyes.
Due to that desire, I have been calling You many times; my lips, mouth
have all been dried up; my anticipating eyes, keep on shedding tears and
even that has been dried up; My feminine shyness have all been lost and I
am suffering-longing and languishing in this world. Seeing my such a
pitiable situation, will You not show mercy n me and appear at least one
day (ONLY ONE DAY) for me to see You? aiyO! What will I do now?

`mudichEr chenni ammaa!*nNinmoypoonNthaamath thaNthuzaay*
kadichEr kaNNip perumaanE!'* enRenRu Engi azuthakkaal*
padichErmagarak kuzaigaLum*pavaLavaayum naalthOLum*
thudisEr idaiyum amaindhadhu Or* thoonNeer mugilpOl thOnRaayE.	8.5.3

3. Oh My Lord, who has the Brightest Beautiful Head with long dark hairs!
Oh PerumaanE! The One who wears the most fragrant thuLasi maalai
(garland)! - like that I have been repeatedly calling You so many times
and since You do not at all come in front of me, I have been crying
heavily. You- who is like the dark, (pure water laden) clouds-will You not
appear in front of me with Your beautiful makarakundalangaL (long ear
studs)- with Your coral bimbhA fruit like mouth- with Your four broad,
huge shoulders, with Your waist string (thiru araijnAN)? Please appear to
relieve my sorrows.

thoonNeer mugilpOl thOnRum* nNin_chutarkoL vadivum kanivaayum*
thEnNeerkkamalak kaNkaLum* vandhu en_chindhai niRaindhavaa*
maanNeerveLLimalai dhanmEl* vaNkaar neela mugilpOla*
thoonNeerkkadaluL thuyilvaanE!* endhaay! chollamaattEnE.	8.5.4

4. My father! My EmperumaanE! You Divine thirumEni (Body) is like the
clouds that bear the pure waters; Your such brightest, lovely form is
tormenting me terribly. That curvy bimbhA fruit like red mouth- those eyes
that are like the Honey dripping beautiful Lotus flower- have simply
robbed my heart and have filled my mind entirely. The way You are sleeping
on the Milk Ocean is like the Dark Black clouds spanned over the white
Silvery mountain. Thus Your beauty is troubling me so much that I am NOT
ABLE to even speak few words any more.

chollamaattEn adiyEn_* un_thuLanguchOthith thiruppaatham*
ellaiyil cheeriLa NYaayiRu* irandupOl en_NnuLLavaa!*
allal ennum iruLchErdhaRku* upaayam ennE?aazichooz*
mallal NYaala muzuthunda *maanNeerk kondal vaNNanE!	8.5.5

5. Oh Lord! The One who retained the whole universe and protected the same
during the PraLayam! You are so beautiful like the dark clouds! Your tow
Lotus Feet are so lustrous that they appear like the two bright suns for
me; They have stayed in my heart. Hence, How can I know their brightness
and tell that in pAsuram? In order to forget the beauty of  ours which
torments me so much, I need to get ignorance of Your beauty. If You do NOT
wish to show Yourself to me, why don't You at least show me the way to get
that anjnAnam (ignorance)? At least my sufferings will be over. (Narayana
says: Simple- Be with Madhavakkannan for a minute. You will get that
anjnAnam and run behind the worldly pleasures and materialistic fruits-
Don't blame me if he gets changed with your presence, AzhwArE!)  (It is
just that AzhwAr is vexed that Emperumaan is NOT appearing in front of

`kondal vaNNaa! kutakkooththaa!* vinaiyEn kaNNaa! kaNNaa*
en_andavaaNaa!' enRu_ennai* aaLak kooppittazaiththakkaal*
viN_dhanmElthaan maNmElthaan* virinNeerk kadalthaan maRRuththaan*
thondaNnEn un_kazalkaaNa*  orunNaaLvandhu thOnRaayE.	8.5.6

6. Oh Blue hued, cloudy coloured Lord! Oh Dancer! (kuda kkoothanE!) You
are the eye for this lowly self, a great sinner! KaNNA! Chief and master
of the whole world! - like that I have been addressing You. To take me, at
least one day, You should come in any way, in any form whatsoever. I
should see Your Lotus Feet and pay obeisance to Them. You can show
Yourself to me at Paramapadham, or on the Earth, or in lying position on
the Milk Ocean, or as my antharyaami in my heart. (at least in one way!)
You should show Yourself to me, the One who is Your eternal servant!

vandhu thOnRaayanREl* unvaiyamthaaya malaradikkeez*
mundhi vandhu yaan_niRpa*  mukappE koovip paNikoLLaay*
chendhaNkamalak kaNkaigaal* chivanthavaayOr karunNaayiRu*
andham illaak kathir_parappi* alarndhathokkum ammaanE!	8.5.7

7. My master! My ammaanE! What a Beauty You are! How can I say! I should
say that You look like Black Sun. With those red cool Lotus flower like
eyes, lips, hands, face, and the dark Divya ThirumEni, it appears like the
black bright sun with its limitless, rays of light spanning everywhere.
You are such an exquisitely bright beautiful form and You should come for
me to see You here on this earth. Or show me Your Feet at Paramapadham and
bless me to perform kaimkaryam to Your Feet for ever. (i.e. either You
come here for me to see You or take me to Your place)

okkum ammaaNn uruvamenRu* uLLam kuzaindhu naaNaaLum*
thokka mEkap palkuzaangaL* kaaNunNthORum tholaivan_naan*
thakka aivar thamakkaay_anRu* eeraimpathinmar thaaLchaaya*
pukka_nalthErth thanippaagaa!* vaaraay ithuvO poruththamE?	8.5.8

8. Whenever I see the cluster of dark clouds, I think of the similar dark
form of Emperumaan's ThirumEni (Body) and feel highly elated with that
thought. Immediately I also feel depressed for not having You with me. You
drove the chariot during the kurukshEthra battle for Pancha  paaNdavaas
and destroyed the 100 kauravas effortlessly. Such a saviour of
devotees,-You- how come YOU ARE NOT HERE TO save me? It is NOT appropriate
of Your nature. Hence, You should show mercy and bless me to see Your

`ithuvO poruththam minnaazip padaiyaay!* ERum iruNYchiRaippuL*
athuvE kotiyaa uyarthththaanE!'* enRenRu Engi azuthakkaal*
ethuvEyaagak karuthungol*  immaaNYaalam poRaitheerppaan*
mathuvaar chOlai* uththara mathuraip piRandha maayanE?	8.5.9

9. Is this the connection between You and me? I- who has been repeatedly
calling You in different names and different ways- but You have not at all
been coming. I have been crying- weeping, while calling You lovingly, as "
Oh Lord, the One who has the ChakrAyudhA in His hand! Oh Lord, the One who
has the GarudA as His flag! " etc.. Whatever amount of my crying-
shouting- yelling or calling His names., Does He actually know that I cry
for Him? I don't know. KaNNan appeared in North MathurA to remove the
burden of the Earth. Such Maayavan- Mischievous Chief- KaNNan- What is His
plan now on me?

piRandhamaayaa! paarathamporuthamaayaa!* neeyinnE*
chiRandhakaal thee_neervaan* maNpiRavumaaya perumaanE*
kaRandha paaluL neyyEpOl*  ivaRRuLengum kandukoL*
iRandhu ninRa perumaayaa!* unnai engE kaaNkEnE?	8.5.10

10. For saving and protecting the bhakthAs, You appeared in this world
like an ordinary being (and still unbounded by KarmAs) with Your Divya
mangaLa ThirumEni and performed wonders in Your various avataars! Oh
MaayavanE (Lord of Great wonders!) You saw through the Great kurukshEthra
battle so effortlessly! Even though You such Sowlabhyan- and appeared as
cowherd boy in KrishNAvataar- appeared as an ordinary man in Ramavataar-
but You ARE the same One who fills in YOUR ENTIRETY everywhere be it
Pancha bhUthAs- be it beings- be it non-beings- chit-achit- what not-
whatever- You exist in everything as antharyaami- YOU ARE SARVESHWARAN.
You are existing like the Ghee in Milk (Dearest Sisters and Brothers, Ghee
in Milk- We can NOT see. But it is there; It requires first fermentation /
transformation process (with a little bit of Curd- AchArya upadEsam), then
it requires to be churned repeatedly - uttering Thirumanthram- dvayam-
following nitya karmAnushtaanangaL to the fullest level with interest,
similar to the persistent- constant efforts of churning at a correct
climatic condition/ temperature (else butter will melt) - at a correct
involvement and conducive mental condition- then boiling and melting the
butter for a long time to get Ghee- similar to the continuous melting
ourselves on Emperumaan's GuNAdhisayams (wonderful GuNAs)- to get the Ghee
- to get to Emperumaan -the antharyaami). Where will I see that
SarvEshwaran? When? (To see You at Paramapadham I need to get rid of
sarIra sambhandham; It is NOT avataar time also; archaavataar- when I
think- it is NOT possible for me to be blessed- I need to Go there;
antharyaamithvam- Not visible- Ghee in Milk!  Then- How will I ever see
Him? Will I perish without seeing Him at all?

`engEkaaNkEn een_dhuzaay ammaan_dhannai* yaan?'enRenRu*
angE thaazndha choRkaLaal*  andhaN kurukoorch chadakOpan*
chengEz chonna aayiraththuL*  ivaiyum paththum vallaargaL*
ingE kaaNa ippiRappE magizvar* elliyum kaalaiyE. (2)	8.5.11

11. Sri SadagOpar of Thirukkurugoor involved himself in Emperumaan, asking
"when will I see Emperumaan, the One who wears Thulasi maalai (Garland)",
composed 1000 pAsurams on Him. Those who read these ten out of 1000, will
be blessed with Greatest Bliss of enjoying the GuNAs of Emperumaan at all
times (during days- when they read, recite, hear about Him and nights-
even in their dreams!)

T i r u v a i m o z h i   of   N a m m a z h w a r - Centum : 8-5

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