Celebrating Our Lives
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Long Enough
abOUT Face
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All Equal
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Celebrating Our Lives
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Smile and say “TEA”…

Triad Equality Alliance invites you to participate in a web-based photo series, Celebrating Our Lives. TEA soon will begin a slide show of photographs submitted by members of the local lgbt community…at work, at play, at home, at events.  It’s a fun project to give people a chance to see and be seen by other members of our community, and to continue to put a face on the lgbt community in the spirit of TEA's abOUT Face campaign.

Check out the first round of photos here!

If you are a member of the lgbt community and would like to let people know that you are their neighbor, submit a picture for consideration to appear on this website as part of "Celebrating Our Lives." Email your photo to info@triadequality.org and include your contact information.

TEA reserves the right to make the final decisions about which pictures appear. Although TEA does not intend to distribute these photos or use them in any way to publicize TEA or for commercial purposes, TEA does ask participants to sign a release form.

Please join us in "Celebrating Our Lives."


Triad Equality Alliance ● P.O. Box 19842 Greensboro, NC 27419 ●  info@triadequality.org

Tea is part of EqualityNC Project,
a 501(c)(3) group.

website © 2004
by Triad Equality Alliance