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TEA billboard asks a thought-provoking question

The Triad Equality Alliance billboard campaign opened a new community conversation in 2006 by asking, "We are all equal in God's eyes," and asking, "How about in yours?"

The billboard was located at 4510 W. Market Street in Greensboro, near Revere Drive, on the north side of the road facing east, during October and November.

"For the past three years the Triad Equality Alliance has worked hard to educate the broader community on the right of every American, straight or gay, to equal rights under the law," says Judith Kobler, chair of the TEA board. "We have done this with a variety of billboard offerings. In the first we displayed our message alongside an image of the constitution. Later we showed photos of gay and lesbian people who live in the Triad, under the headline 'we are your neighbors and we are gay' and 'gay and lesbian people are valued members of this community.'  In keeping with our messages around equality, it seemed a natural next step to state what may be obvious to some, but not all, 'We are all equal in the eyes of God.” Then to help our readers think about this statement, we ask the question, 'what about in yours?'

"We believe it could make some angry but we also know it will lead to questioning and conversations. We hope these healthy dialogues will continue the process of questioning and move us a little closer to our goal of 'equal rights, not special rights.'"

The billboard was funded by a grant from the Guilford Green Foundation.



Triad Equality Alliance ● P.O. Box 19842 Greensboro, NC 27419 ●

Tea is part of EqualityNC Project,
a 501(c)(3) group.

website © 2004
by Triad Equality Alliance