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To the unitiated, dwarves are often seen as little more that a race of short men with long gray beards. Even to the unsuspecting, dwarves are commonly mistaken for smaller humans. What a dwarves may lack in stature, they are aptly compensated by legendary strength and hardiness. Although it is true dwarven males are know for their long curly beards, dwarven women are beardless and have long tresses of hair.
.  Dwarves are an introspective people and spend long hours contemplating the deeper mysteries of life. From their lifelong meditations, most dwarves become incredibly wise and possess great insight to the workings of the world. Such profound insights allow dwarves to smithy some of the finest artifacts, armours, and weapons to be found.
.  As deep as dwarven thoughts are, dwarven mines are deeper. Dwarven settlements are generally found in mountain ranges nearby their famous mines. Dwarves are the masters of rock and are famous for their deep mines of endless tunnels. Many dwarves spend their entire lives in the darkness of underground and can see almost as well in utter darkness as they can in broad daylight. Some dwarven mines have been worked for generations producing hundreds of miles of subterranean passages. As new tunnels are mined, older tunnels are abandoned and left derelict. A time comes when no living dwarf remembers what splendors or terrors await at the end of these forgotten shafts. With such dangers lurking in the dark depths, dwarves have become skilled warriors and do not shy away from any mortal threat. Although they are not a violent people, dwarves will defend their homes to the last individual. Rarely does this happen for the dwarven stamina and might make them dangerous enemies.
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Last Updated: 15:04:21 GMT--Wednesday, 30 October 1996