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Things to do, Places to see...

As of November 1996, Archipelago has thirty-seven (out of thirty-seven) original zones open for players to explore. Nineteen more zones are currently being built. Most zones average one hundred to three hundred rooms for a total of nearly 5,000 rooms that contain over 3,000 objects and nearly 3,000 mobiles. All original to Archipelago and built by the mud's creative team of immortals. To see the up-to-the-minute statistics on how many rooms, objects, and mobiles are currently on Archipelago, type show stats once logged in and playing. To see a list of open zones, type show zones.
.  On Archipelago, the immortals take pride in writing creative, well crafted zones, and strive for writing descriptions for all objects and mobiles. This brings to the mud, the highest literary standard available in online, role-playing games. Archipelago is a storybook mud, not a hack-n-slash video game mud. The art of writing, and the lost practice of reading are essential parts of the "Archipelago Experience". Below is a partial list of the open zones and a brief description of what you may find by travelling there. The descriptions are merely to whet the traveller's appetite, and do not even pretend to portray everything that may be found along the way. Explore and enjoy the rich details and stories...


Map of Archipelago
Bird´s-Eye View of Archipelago
by Jason Chayes (Ansalon)


Lamman and the Quay: Lamman is the capitol city of the Archipelago mainland and is the major seafaring port for the rest of the islands. The city is also where everyone begins when they first start exploring Archipelago. Lamman is divided into five main areas, each with its own distinct flavour. In and around the Market Square, the traveller will find Sardo's Golden Harvest Bakery, the weapon and armour repair smithy of Sigur and Durrin, and the Warrior's Widow Inn, the most popular place to rent for the night in all Archipelago. Nearby is the Temple of Small Gods and the Disabled Military Veterans Store, where the odd donated piece of equipment may be found. Another area of interest is the Parade Grounds where the King's Royal Guard drill and parade. Not surprisingly, off of the Parade Grounds are the shops of Hurgood's New and Used Armoury and Jurt's Weapons of War. The Gaol, home of Lamman's many thieves, burglars, and other petty criminals also can be found nearby.
.  However, west, across the majestic Red Bridge that spans the River Ronnan is where most of the excitement and adventure can be found. Here in western Lamman lies the Dwarven Section, the Troll Ghetto, and the Quay. On the many wharves and piers, you will see sailors from exotic lands, often spending their shore leave drinking and wenching at the Black Pig Tavern, or getting a tattoo at Louie's nearby tattoo parlour. Lamman is also home to her own covenant located off a courtyard between the upper class Dwarven Section and the poor Troll Ghetto. The Covenant du Nouveau Magicien is where the aspiring magus may learn the various techniques and forms of magic, and study the many arcane spells. There are many more places to explore in Archipelago's grand capitol city.

Monastery Road and surroundings: Running north from Lamman through rolling hills and farmland is Monastery Road. Rumours say that many of the cows on the farms along the road have been stricken by "mad cow disease". Thus the peasant farmers have fallen on hard times. To make matters worse, numerous raids by the Satyrs of Northmarch have pillaged and plundered the little wealth and food stuffs the farmers and villagers had stored, and often abducted the women folk to be their brides. Only the King's Mill, under the protection of the Royal Guard has withstood the satyr's attacks; however, much of the wheat fields were torched driving up the price of bread back in Lamman. The invasions became so common place, that the holy brothers at the Monastery have locked the gates until the danger has passed.
.  Also rumoured to be off the Monastery road is an extremely dangerous caves and prison complex. The citizens of Lamman claim that this is the headquarters of the King's Secret Police and those enough foolish to investigate this area are killed without question. The caves are said to be the home of cultists who follow the will of an evil Necromancer.
.  Of a less sinister note, but still dangerous in its own right is the Shanty Town just northeast of Lamman around her high stone walls. Ogres, blackmarketeers, and other undesirables. Life in the Shanty Town is rough and harsh, and many of the inhabitants are said to be escaped prisoners of the nearby penal rock quarry.

King's Turnpike, the Graveyard, and surroundings: Venturing east from Lamman along the King's Turnpike, the observant adventurer will see the vast body of water that surrounds and connects the various islands of the Archipelago: the Pelagic Ocean. Various paths lead down the high rocky cliffs and to the Split Rock Lighthouse, the main beacon guiding ships far out at sea in to the calm safety of Lamman's Harbour. An equally famous tower is north off of the turnpike, and is rumoured to be the home of a wealthy giant. Although there is some doubt, because the tower's lawn is covered with molehills. Travelling along the turnpike are many pilgrims on their way to the holy Cathederal of Saint Cuthbert. But alas, despite the King's protection as the travellers enter the dark Karipides Forest, they are often attacked by a band of ruthless highwaymen, who stop at nothing, including murder, to steal one's treasure. Just on the other side of the forest is an abandoned graveyard, where ancient evil is buried. Legends say this graveyard is the final resting place of the demonic Baron Mora-Kin. The turnpike eventually leads to the city of Wivernhoe.

Wivernhoe: Wivernhoe, the City of Wyverns, was named after the house of Wivernhoe, and is loyal to the King. Built on the banks of the Rum River, Wivernhoe is protected on all sides by high limestone walls that are constantly guarded. Behind the safety of the city walls, many shops and industries thrive. The streets often echo with the shouts of Gawin the Muffin Man, out selling his hot blueberry muffins. In the centre of the city is the ornate timber guild hall, where the tired traveller can find a place to rent and a small donation shop run by Reimund Kvideland, once a mighty warrior, but now an ardent pacifist. Other important shops lie only a short walk away from the guild hall. Located off of Exchange Street is Wivernhoe's bank, a saw mill, a cozy wine bar, and Lazuli's Royal Jewelry Shop where objects of treasure may be bought, sold, and resized. On nearby Bridge Street, the Wivernhoe Pack and Canoe Company sells some of the best packs and adventuring gear that can be found in the entire Archipelago. La Fromagerie de la Souris Contente is the finest Cheese Shop to be found anywhere. Other areas of interest about the city are the termite-infested, haunted Gimghoul Mansion and the Goblin Slums both near Chestnut Street and Gimghoul Road. The visitor to Wivernhoe only really need be cautious of the killer hegdehog who lives in a hole off of Hedgehog Row. To the north of Wivernhoe is a vast coniferous forest, while to the east is farmland and hills home to many halfling farmers.

Howling Woods and Megalith Isle: Nestled in the foothills between the high snowy mountains to the north, Lamman to the west, and Wivernhoe to the east, are the mysterious Howling Woods. Dense mists swirl around the forest floor darkened by the warped and twisted trees. Many faerie creatures haunt these woods, and often mischiviously play tricks on travellers. Many trails lead through the woods, some through dark mountain tunnels or high mountain passes, other paths lead deeper into the forest itself.
.  One well traversed trail leads across a chain of boulders that jut up above the waves in a shallow stretch of the ocean. Across the shallows is Megalith Isle, where lies the fabled city of Pompeii. A city of giants known for their prowess in both martial and dramatic arts. However, in the centre of this educated metropolis lies a dark temple, where a sinister pagan religion is practiced.

Arg's Island: The largest island after the mainland, Arg's Island is a popular destination for adventurers when things grow a bit hot in the cities on the mainland. Arg's is also a nexus point for sailing and exploring other islands in the Archipelago. A ship passage to islands in the southern hempishere can be purchased from Hadcliffe the ticket agent on Arg's Island. Those wishing to stay on Arg's Island will find a visit to Mrs Miggin's Pie Shoppe in Arg's Hamlet amusing. Also the forest, the dangerous moor, and the fishery are of interest. A short swim across a narrow strait will bring the hearty explorer in to the lost island of Paeldair. Ghosts and a spectral knight are said to haunt this lonely, windswept place.

Abernach and the Great Western Road: Once a small trappers outpost west of Lamman, Abernach grew at a stunning rate to become the largest city in the entire Archipelago! Jealous of Abernach's growth the citizens of Lamman claim that Abernach has more taverns per head of population than any other city. Some claim due to the rapid expansion, a large slum area has grown up and has become the notorious turf of rogues and knaves, replete with skullduggery and iniquity. Perhaps all this is rumour and hearsay, because Abernach is a rough and tumble city, and at the northern frontier of civilisation. To the north lie the harsh frozen wastelands of warring barbarian tribes, and the Abernach Guard is in a constant state of military readiness. This is not to say Abernach is not without its charm. Der Kobold Kaffeehaus serves the finest imported coffee anywhere, and the sweet candies at the Dance of the Sugarplum Fairy are without compare. No visit to Abernach is complete without a stop at Peter's Pickle Shop.

Forest of Northmarch: "There be satyrs in those woods," is what you will hear whispered in the taverns and inns of Archipelago. Lurking beneath this strange, primal forest are the cunning satyrs ruled by their noble warrior king Rig Miminng. For many years, the satyrs have reigned supreme in the lands north of Lamman, and often dare even to raid the capitol! A journey to the satyr kingdom is not a trip to be lightly undertaken.

Ceredan Keep and the Wivernhoe Highway: Running due east from Wivernhoe's Eurus Gate, the Wivernhoe Highway passes through the rural areas east of this city. Many adventurers stay for the night at Sir Benedict's Tavern. Further east along the highway is the mysterious Ceredan Keep. Few reports of this unmapped area have reached back to the main cities of the Archipelago.

Suramen: Reports of great technological advances in Suramen have drifted across the waves to the Archipelago mainland. This warm island is a long ocean journey away from Lamman, and the King's spies are said to be frequent passangers on ships sailing to the distant waters around the island of Suramen.

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Ars Magica, Mythic Europe, and Covenants are trademarks of Trident Inc. The use of any of these trademarks here is without permission, and does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of those properties.

Archipelago's "Double Mountain and Moon" Logo copyright 1995-1996 by Jason Chayes and Archipelago.
The Bird´s-Eye View of Archipelago is copyright 1995-1996 by Jason Chayes and Archipelago.
Page design and contents copyright 1996 by David Czeck and Archipelago.
Last Updated: 15:04:21 GMT--Tuesday, 7 November 1996