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Character Races on Archipelago

Elves: A beautiful, graceful people, most at home in the great forests and woodlands. Well known for their wisdom and ancient knowledge, they dabble in magic much as humans have turned to toil for support.

Halflings: A diminutive folk preferring comfort and idleness to hard work. They depend on others for sustenance, and although more communal than most are also seen as a race of thieves, for better or worse.

Giants: Living in the wilds of the Archipelago, they are a race known for brute strength and endurance. Most are solitary hunters, but many often come to the cities to make their living among the other races.

Humans: The most populous and accepted of the many races, they are the obvious standard by which all others are judged. Children of the cities and farms, they cover the land in large communities home to all skills and trades.

Goblins: Crawling out from dark and dingy holes, they are as mistrusted as the night itself. Known for theft and murder, and darker deeds, they are unwelcome at best among the other races.

Selkies: The sea folk, raised among the foam of the waters. Much like human- kind, they thrive through hard work and trade and find themselves at home among the harbour towns of the land.

Dwarves: A race born in tunnels and works of stone, they are delivers and shapers known for their skill in crafts and art. They often make their way to the cities, where they find ready work and a home among others of their kind.

Pixies: The faerie folk of the land, they are most at home among the woods and hidden places of the world. A magical race without parallel, they are better suited to spells and mysticism than any in the archipelago.

Gnomes: A close cousin of pixies and dwarves, they find their way as best they can, whether through magic or work. They are a quiet people, and known for their simple wisdom and great machines and artifacts.

Ogres: A brutal race, they are the darker brothers to giants and man. Feared for their cunning and delight in blood and killing, they're barely tolerated among the civilised people of the land.

Amarya: A race of feline tribesmen, they are well suited to stealth and make their living in the wilds as hunters and trackers. In the cities, they are thought of much the same, but often take to less desirable pursuits.

Trolls: A tribal folk, they make a living in simple hunting but are known for their exceeding toughness and ability for hard work. For this reason alone, they are quite often found among the cities of the land.

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Archipelago's "Double Mountain and Moon" Logo copyright 1995-1996 by Jason Chayes and Archipelago.
Page design and contents copyright 1996 by Bryan Wride, David Czeck, and Archipelago.
Last Updated: 15:04:21 GMT--Sunday, 8 September 1996