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Ogres are big brutes, most average over eight feet in height and weigh up to around 500 pounds. Skin colour varies between pinkish-white to ebony, and usually darkens slightly as they mature. Ogre's body proportions differ from humans in both arm-to-leg ratios and girth-to-height ratios, both are generally thirty percent more than in humans. Ogres are very heavily built, proportionally to other races, and generally have thicker skin, a stronger natural bone structure and much more powerful skeletal muscles. Body hair is typically more developed than in humans, although often they have more bald patches. Many believe that ogres are cousins to humans and giants, but there is little sound evidence for this. Ears are normally rounded, often being a little unfavourably large for what humans consider good looks. The sloped skull has thirty four teeth with prominent lower canines.
.  Less civilised ogres prefer caves or large above ground dwellings in the wild. In urban areas they prefer large, above ground, but enclosed spaces. Almost all are considered brutal and are feared for their cunning and delight in blood and killing, for this reason they are barely tolerated among the civilised people of the land.
.  There is great variety in the potential talents of the race. Due to stature, strength and a natural blood lust many become accomplished warriors. Although they are not as agile as some other races they are certainly not as stupid as they are rumoured to be and some have become highly notable as warrior-mages. Ogres have been remarked upon to have a preference for large cleaving or club-like weapons, the more primitive members of the race resort to simple bone maces and stone weapons. However, it is not uncommon to see ogres specialise in weapons which are less stereotypical for their race, since they are perfectly capable of mastering any weapon.
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Last Updated: 15:04:21 GMT--Wednesday, 30 October 1996