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Pixies are tiny, ranging only between six and twelve inches in height. On the back of each pixie is a pair of insect-like wings that enables a pixie to fly. Although most pixie wings resemble those of a silvery-blue moth, the wings, in fact, can look like the wings of any flying insect. As one could imagine, pixies have to be careful or else they might make a tasty snack for some bird or small animal.
   Pixies favor the wilderness and avoid urban areas. Pixie homes are generally found, if found at all, in tall trees, under immovable boulders, and amidst prickly briar patches. Pixies are peaceful, but often quite mischievous playing pranks and causing trouble whenever their whimsy takes them. As a race, they are dedicated to the preservation of the arcane and magical arts. The magical ability of pixies is legendary; they are without question or peer the strongest magic users in the realms. Combined with the pixies awesome speed and quickness, they can be deadly foes when pressed. Pixies are not as weak or fragile as they look, if pixies were, they would have been extinct long ago.
   Pixies, perhaps because of the great disparity in size, rarely are found in the company of ``giant folk.´´ When given a choice, pixies fly rather than walk and rarely do they touch the ground.
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Archipelago's "Double Mountain and Moon" Logo copyright 1995-1996 by Jason Chayes and Archipelago.
Page design and contents copyright 1996 by David Czeck and Archipelago.
Last Updated: 15:04:21 GMT--Wednesday, 30 October 1996