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Trolls are perhaps the most brutal and savage of the Archipelagan races. They live, for the most part, in the wilds, scattered across the islands in isolation with only fellow members of their tribe as company. They hunt for food, preying on the local wildlife and eating roots, nuts, and berries wherever they find them. They live entirely off the land, although to a far lesser degree than the nomadic amarya.
   The troll social organization is centered around the tribe, their leaders established through strength and primitive cunning. Although not primarily a magic using race, most tribes have a shaman to tend to the sick and augment their fearsome combat ability. Trolls are extremely hardy, having a natural healing rate that far surpasses other races and tougher skin than most.
   Lately, trolls find themselves able to live in the major cities of the islands, having been recognized for their strength as a work force and as capable, if not dependable, soldier. The tribal structure of troll society has adjusted to city life, moving the entire clan into the poorer sections of the city and leadership established through success and money rather than strength. For the most part, trolls are highly superstitious and often zealously follow a shaman or prophet that displays bizarre, unexplained powers.
   Trolls are generally bigger than humans, and are only rivaled by giants in height and weight. Because of such enormous bulk, trolls are also realively easily distiguished by their greenish or greyish drab skin colors and yellow to black eyes. Most do not rank cleanliness among finer qualities, and even those in the cities of the archipelago tend to wear coarse furs and leathers. While not the brightest of races, they have phenomenal strength and endurance with the occasional troll well-suited to simple magics.
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Archipelago's "Double Mountain and Moon" Logo copyright 1995-1996 by Jason Chayes and Archipelago.
Page design and contents copyright 1996 by David Czeck, Bryan Wride, and Archipelago.
Last Updated: 15:04:21 GMT--Wednesday, 30 October 1996