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Serve Publication

Finally, the publication is ready to be served to our readers!

Being more rigorous than other community publishing systems, we believe our system will deliver several benefits:

  1. We will weed out inaccurate information before it reaches our public collection.
  2. We will have a complete development history for each publication, including a complete list of sources.
  3. Volunteers can participate productively to the extent their time and expertise allows.
  4. We can scale to support thousands of volunteers working on thousands of publications simultaneously.

But our process doesn't stop once we add a publication to our public collection. Instead, it starts over. For each publication, we solicit feedback and comments. These go to the appropriate curator and gardener. Some of them may plant the seed for new publications, while others may lead to substantial revisions of existing publications.

We use everything we learn to organize our collection of knowledge so that it is more and more useful to our readers.

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EcoAccess helps you find and share useful environmental information online.

Web Site Release 5.0.4 (2003-10-30) Copyright © 1998 - 2003 EcoAccess