
Re: Question for Speeders

In article <Pine.OSF.3.91.950528190335.28486D-100000@paul.spu.edu>, Dai F Toyama <borap@paul.spu.edu> writes:
>The part of the express way is designed for speeds up to 140-150 km/h 
>under normal circumstances.  The speed limit is 100 km/h.  As it turned 
>out, more than 90 % of the monitors didn't go beyond the average of 120 
>km/h.  It goes to show that people tend to consider their driving skills 
>and/or the car's capability when driving.
>If I were to drive on Autobahn (no-speed-limit area) in my GS-R, I would 
>probably stay within 180 km/h most of the time.  I know my car is rather 
>a sprinter than a marathon runner.  I don't think I'm capable of handling 
>180+ km/h for hours and hours either. :-(

I will have to slightly disagree.  I recently returned from a European
vacation and put on over 2,500 kilometers on the autobahn in a week and a
half.  Most of the driving was on unlimited roads and about 10% was in areas
with speed limits of 120 and even 100 in urban areas (for those of you who
don't do the math quickly:  160KPH=100MPH and 96KPH=60MPH).

My wonderful 4-cylinder, 5 speed Opal Cadet was just right for me.  I started
the trip only doing 140 or so because I wanted to get comfortable driving
in a foreign area (signs, directions, reading maps, new car, etc.).  When I
decided to step it up, driving 160 (100MPH) was very fun - especially because
I wasn't looking over towards my radar detector all the time.  I'd never
driven over 80MPH before this BTW.  I started to feel comfortable and tried
to speed up and could only do 180 without blowing a piston through the hood
of my car (got to 190KPH once for a VERY short period of time, but the car
was going to blow!).  I felt cruising at 180 KPH (112 MPH) was more
than enough...

Soon after I returned, some freaking kid decided to take away my oldsmobile
from me by using my trunk to save on his brake pads!  Ouch!  I replaced
my Oldmosbile Cutlas Cierra which shaked and shimmied at 75 MPH with a
brand new Ford Probe.  When I left the lot, without even knowing it, I was
driving 85 - not even close to driving fast in this car.  Since then, I've
been at 110 with ease a couple of times with tons of RPM's to spare.

i can tell you that without a doubt - if they lifted the speed limits in the
states, I'd be dead within a week!  i think some of the major interstates could
be retrofitted and have their limits raised to 100 MPH without a problem,
but I would be willing to bet that half the cars on the road couldn't go that
fast!  it would be a very dangerous transition to even a 75 limit because
there would be so many people who would drive slow in the Rh lanes and then change to
the fast lane!

That was my biggest fear over there - what to do if someone changes lanes
right into your path at 115 MPH!  My next trip in September will see me
renting a BMW, not an Opal, and with Gods grace I will retrun to this
newsgroup to tell you the results :)

