
Re: Question for Speeders

Bruce Augenstein (Augenstein@MR4DEC.ENET.DEC.COM) wrote:
: Just a minor but timely update on the topic of speed.

: This morning on the Today show (U.S. - NBC) they had a spot on the
: balanced presentation, showing typical speeds on highways marked
: for 55 (around 70 mph), along with the information that "most"
: highway engineers recommend raising the limits, and some statistics
: that showed we killed fewer people after the 55 went into affect in
: the '70s, and more people died on rural interstates after the limits
: were raised to 65.

: They interviewed the head of the National Motorists Association, who
: said that death *rates* (that is, deaths per mile travelled) have
: been down steadily for the last 50 years, regardless of average speed
: travelled, and people tend to travel at a speed they feel comfortable
: with, regardless of the limit, unless there's a cop around.

This sounds about right.  I don't think the posted speed limit does
anything to rasie or lower the death rate.  I drive at a speed that
most others on the road are driving (unless I am alone on the road
like on the Mass Pike.  I slow downto no more than 5-10 mph over the 
limit only because of the ticket fear factor).

I believe that all limits should be upped since cars are made to go
faster and handle better than they did in the 70's (uhh its called
increasing technology and improvement/progress for those of you who 

Doesn't this make sense???

