<i>News Library News</i> Online

25th Anniversary 1978-2003

Vol. 25, No.4/Summer 2003

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Regular Features

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News Library News
SLA News Division Home

The Aside Bar

Ron Larson

Ron Larson, Editor of News Library News

The SLA Conference in New York was absolutely invigorating. Hats off to Linda Henderson and all of her session planners for a successful conference. Some of the sessions are reviewed in this issue.

As you may have heard already, this will be the last print issue of News Library News. To put it simply, the cost of printing and mailing the newsletter is draining the Division's coffers and to continue could prove to be a major fiscal problem.

A discussion at the recent Business Meeting in New York raised no objections to go with an electronic-only version of News Library News. Upcoming issues of NLN will be in pdf, allowing us to continue with the same look and layout of the printed versions of the newsletter. You will be able to access NLN at the News Division's Web page.

Besides saving money, the decision to have a pdf version of NLN will allow more flexibility when publishing the newsletter. No longer will we be limited to 12 or 16 pages, plus we will gain two weeks on the production end, allowing for the content to be fresher.

If you don't have access to the Internet and would still like a printed copy of NLN, just fill out the box below and mail it to me. I will make sure that you continue to receive News Library News in the mail.

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Mail to:

Ron Larson
Wisconsin State Journal
1901 Fish Hatchery Rd.
Madison, WI 53713

Last Updated: 08/18/03
Ron Larson