<i>News Library News</i> Online

25th Anniversary 1978-2003

Vol. 25, No.4/Summer 2003

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SLA News Division Home

Linda Henderson, News Division chair

Notes from the Chair

By Linda Henderson

Years ago, when I was editing News Library News and reading the Notes column, I shook my head and said to myself that this was one job I'd never do. But I guess the time was right, so here I am leading this wonderful organization that has given me so much over the years. I hope I can do justice to the office and the Division.

First of all, a huge thank you to all who helped me put together the very successful program in New York and to those who attended and participated in the Division activities. This was the most interesting and important professional assignment that I think I've ever taken on. We had a very good turnout - well over 200 - and I've heard many complimentary comments about the programs and tours. This did not happen with me being Czarina all by myself. I am a great believer in delegating, so I basically told all of the moderators, tour hosts and others what I had in mind and they ran with it. That left me to take care of the scheduling, sponsorships and other details.

I am very proud of the sessions that the moderators, speakers and hosts produced. They were all informative, interesting and authoritative - well worth the price of admission. I've tried to thank as many as possible privately, but I'm sure that I've missed someone. So THANK YOU one and all!

I'd also like to publicly thank our wonderful sponsors who helped us avoid financial catastrophe in a very expensive venue. Our sponsors were Proquest, LexisNexis, RefUSA, Olive Software, iBill, Dialog, MerlinOne and Factiva. We love you guys!

I especially need to say a big thanks to Michael Jesse, who guided me throughout the year when I got overanxious and helped immensely when we got to New York. And to Jody Habayeb, who planned the perfect evening and managed to get the only sunny day in the Northeast this spring for our banquet cruise in the harbor.

Now, on to the new business before the house.

As you may know, SLA has approved a set of governing documents that will replace the bylaws of all of the chapters and divisions. We have put a committee in place, headed by our irreplaceable Barbara Semonche, which will study the new governing documents and suggest additions or modifications to them. The committee is made up of all former chairs of the Division: Richard Geiger, Charlie Campo, Kathy Foley and yours truly, as current chair. If you have any concerns or suggestions, please get in touch with one of us.

We are also going to be looking at all of the committees and, with the help of the current committee chairs and any former chairs who would like to participate, evaluate the mission of each and its current efficacy. Thanks to all of the current chairs who have agreed to stay on this year to help with the process.

This will be a big job and I don't envision it all being completed in one year. But we don't want to get bogged down in minutia. Having the attention span of a gnat, I know I will grow impatient with angels on heads of pins very quickly and work to move the process along as quickly as is feasible.

In other news, the Division board made an important decision during conference, with which I hope you all will be comfortable. This will be the last New Library News commercially printed. From now on, you will be notified on Newslib when the next issue is available on the Web site and directed there. We have batted this around for years, but our financial situation is not great and the approximately $8,000 per year that we spend on the printing and mailing can be put to better use. Elsewhere in this issue, you will find a box to tell you how you may obtain a printed copy if it is your only means of reading NLN.

I want to say a huge thank you to Linda Paschal and NewsBank who have been subsidizing the printing of NLN for several years now by printing and mailing the issues at their cost. They saved the print edition when we were sure that we could no longer afford to print it and when we knew there were still many members who could not access it on the web.

In conclusion, I'd like to add a personal note: I saw many cameras in action over the week in New York, especially in the suite at -uh - inconvenient hours. As her last official act, your Planning Czarina commands that you BURN THOSE NEGATIVES!

Last Updated: 08/18/03
Ron Larson