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25th Anniversary 1978-2003

Vol. 25, No.4/Summer 2003

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Conference experiences from a newbie

By Jeanie Straub

Alas, the experience of the virgin conference-goer - that would be me - was cut short after I got sick Monday night, but I was lucky enough to get to the News Division suite Sunday night and meet Jessica Baumgart and Elisabeth Donovan. Here are a few impressions of my abbreviated conference experience:

Most promising trend: I was surprised at the voluminous number of library students I met conference-wide and in the News Division suite, where the students I met included Michelle Bagley and Karen Mejdrich from the Portland version of my library program, Emporia State University. Bagley and Mejdrich were both knocked out by the energy of the News Division.

This on the News Division from Bagley: "I had a slight idea about the workings of news librarianship, but ... stories about the work that they have the potential to contribute to were truly inspirational."

And this from Mejdrich: "The people there were very open, encouraging and positive in their outlook on the future of our profession. We spoke to several people there - not all news librarians - and everyone gave great advice on how to position myself for the future. I also think that people were very realistic about how much work they put into their careers, but they all love their jobs, so it's worth it. It was very nice to be in a room full of people who love what they do. ... After talking to the people at the News Division open house, I was ready to become a news librarian, and I often felt that way after sessions I attended (because of) the excitement ... conveyed by the presenters."

Most interesting conversation: In the News Division suite - where else? - I met Advertising and Marketing Division member Jo-Ann McQuillan of the Institute of Communications and Advertising, a Toronto-based organization. We chatted about everything from "Bowling for Columbine" to ambient advertising to research at Duke University, the premier archive of U.S. advertising at Duke University. (Yes, I was tempted.)

Greatest regret: After talking with McQuillan, I wished that I would have been in town for the Thursday field trips to Madison Avenue advertising agencies. Just for kicks.

Greatest privilege: John Cronin assigned Kee Malesky - a celebrity in Denver special library circles - to be my mentor; I look forward to communicating with her throughout the rest of my library school program and in my professional life after graduation.

Most reminiscent of a Texas hyper-mart in economic boom times: I'm sure that's the point, but the Exhibitors Hall, for me, was as over-stimulating as an oversized shopping mall during the holidays and about as fun to navigate; I wonder if it would not be both more accessible and more appealing if it were decentralized.

Best suggestion for improvement: The opportunity to meet new SLA president Cynthia Hill and the scholarship committee members in an intimate setting was a wonderful honor, but for the student awards to be presented in such a very small gathering - only the students and their entourages were in attendance - was like playing host to a parade for folks in the parade only. Cheryl German, immediate past-president of the Rocky Mountain chapter, attended with me; she suggested it would be better to mainstream the presentation of student awards. I agree.

What I would do different: Next SLA conference, I am handing out business cards without waiting for folks to ask. I would also either pay for it myself or lobby my boss more effectively to foot the bill on one or more of the fee-based classes, such as the Web-design tools series, which garnered a good review from Denver-based library student Amy Phillips-Haskett.

Jeanie Straub, a recipient of one of the 2003 national SLA scholarships, is a Denver-based student in the Emporia (Kansas) State University School of Library and Information Management. She works in the Library and New Media department of the Rocky Mountain News.

Last Updated: 08/18/03
Ron Larson