News Library News Online

25th Anniversary 1978-2003

Vol. 25, No.4/Summer 2003

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Conference Pics
John Jansson and Ginny Everett, complete caption below
The Joseph F. Kwapil Memorial Award winner John Jansson, second from left, is joined at the awards reception by his wife, Carol, left, and Ginny and Bob Everett. Ginny received the Agnes Henebry Roll of Honor Award.
Jessica Baumgart and Jennifer Klimas, complete caption below
Jennifer Klimas, right, receives the Vormelker-Thomas Student Stipend Award from Jessica Baumgart.
Peter Johnson and Justin Scroggs, complete caption below
Peter Johnson, left, and Justin Scroggs greet guests at the Division suite.
Judy Canter and Richard Geiger, complete caption below
Judy Canter is presented the Agnes Henebry Roll of Honor Award by Richard Geiger.
News Division members Michael Jesse and Jim Meier admire the auction items, complete caption below
Division members ponder a bid during the auction in the Division suite.
Times Square, complete caption below
Times Square
New York skyline from the harbor, complete caption below
The New York skyline with the Empire State Building as seen from the Inamorata, the ship that hosted the News Division's Awards Banquet.
Ron Larson and Biff Henderson, complete caption below
Ron Larson (right) poses with Biff Henderson of The Late Show with David Letterman.

Last Updated: 08/28/03
Ron Larson