T i r u v a i m o z h i   of   N a m m a z h w a r - Centum : 9-6

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urukumaal nencham* uyirin paramanRi*
perukumaal vEtkaiyum* en_cheykEn thondanEn*
theruvellaam kaavikamaz* thirukkaatkarai*
maruviya maayan_dhan* maayam ninaithoRE. (2)	9.6.1

1. At Thirukaatkarai Divya Desam, SarvEshwaran is present so gracefully.
Thinking of His excellent, ineffable KalyANa guNAs, my mind simply is
melting away. The desire (to enjoy Him more) burst out uncontrollably,
crossing all limits and bounds. I am not able to control the thirst that
arises in me to enjoy His GuNAs, when I think of His GuNAs. What will I do
now, with so much craving for Him?

ninaithoRum chollunNthoRum* nNeNYchu itindhukum*
vinaikoLcheer paadilum* vEmenathaaruyir*
chunaikoL pooNYchOlaith* then_kaatkaraiyennappaa*
ninaikilEn naan_unakku* aatcheyyum neermaiyE.	9.6.2

2. My Father, who stays at Thirukkaatkarai! I keep thinking of Your
KalyANa guNAs. But I am not able to think of that fully and understand.
When they are so ineffable, I just wished to tell and enjoy and still I am
not able to do that. I have no capacity nor strength to utter that. What
can I do? Whether I think of them; or utter of them' they all simply melt
my heart and mind, like the watery food. If I sing of Your Glories (that
destroy all cruel sins), my jIvan itself burns. Hence, my heart, mind, and
jIvan- everything burns, and I am not able to think of how to perform
kaimkaryam to You, who is my master.

neermaiyaal nencham* vanchiththup pukundhu*
ennai eermaicheythu* ennuyiraay ennuyir undaan*
cheermalkuchOlaith* then_kaatkaraiyennappan*
kaarmukil vaNNan_dhan* kaLvam aRikilEn.	9.6.3

3. My father, whose colour is like that of dark, dense clouds, is
gracefully present at Thirukkaatkarai. I can not understand the way He
deceived me and cheated, by entering into my mind. Then after doing all
this, He is now making me involve in His kalyANa guNAs, and making me get
melted thinking of His guNAs. The Saviour, The Protector, who should have
taken care of me, is now, on the contrary, killing me! He is eating my
mind (with His guNAs). Is it not deceit? He entered in to me to ensalve me
and shows all His qualities. I am not able to comprehend them. (Such
SarvEshwaran, due to His Parama sowlabhyam, has stopped down so low to my
level and entered into me and showed me His GuNAs- I just can NOT describe
His such a GuNA- He is so GREAT!)

aRikilEn thannuL* anaiththulakum niRka,*
neRimaiyaal thaanum* avaRRuL niRkum piraan*
veRikamazchOlaith* then_kaatkarai ennappan*
chiRiyavennaaruyirunda* thiruvaruLE.	9.6.4

4. All worlds come into His mind for controlling them. He directs and
executes, unmistakably, as an antharyaami in all beings. Such a Lord is
here at Thirukkaatkarai. Such a Parathvam, antharyaami, who is there in
anthing and everything, is so much in love with this lowly small craeture,
(i.e me). And How can I know of His such Greatest GuNA? An aRpan (lowly
self), - adiyEn- and He has swallowed adiyEn's AthmA and showed me His
Graceful GuNAs. Such GuNA of His- The One who destroyed me (my ego) and
swallowed me completely and shows me Himself and His GuNAs- How can I get
to understand that?

thiruvaruL cheypavanpOla* en_NnuLpukundhu*
uruvamum aaruyirum* utanE undaan*
thiruvaLar_chOlaith* then_kaatkaraiyennappan*
karuvaLarmEni_* eM_kaNNan kaLvangaLE.	9.6.5

5. Emperumaan, as if He is going to bless me with His grace and dayA,
entered into my heart and occupied it entirely. Thereafter, He, in one
gulp, swallowed both my body and the jIvan simultaneously (with His Beauty
and KalyANa guNAs- means: My jIvan now only wants Him and my senses, His
ThirumEni.) Such a mischievous Lord is here gracefully showing Himself at
Thirukkaatkarai. What a way that Dark Black Beauty cheated me! Not only
did He stoop down so low (with such a sowlabhyam) to enslave me, He also
enjoys my Body and AthmA all by Himself (by swallowing them with His GuNAs
and Beauty) How loving is He towards me (adiyEn)!

en_gaNNan kaLvam* enakkuch chemmaaynNiRkum*
angaNNaNn unda* en_NnaaruyirkkOthu_ithu*
pungaNmai eythip* pulampi iraappakal*
engaNNaNn enRu* avan_kaatkaraiyEththumE.	9.6.6

6. That KaNNan's cheating acts of appearing as if He obliges  (and
entering into me and eating the whole of me) appear to be true to me. That
only shows and proves His love for me and His swallowing of my AthmA and
my Body due to His great love for me only substaniate my understanding.
Even then, with this little knowledge, I keep paraisng Him saying
"Emperumaan KaNNan, My Lord, is here at Thirukkaatkarai". (One Tamil
scholar interprets the line "enakku semmaay irukkum" as " enakku sEmamaay
irukkum" means: He is comfort and well being for me; (and not as indicated
in the first line of this paragraph.- It is also appropriate)

kaatkaraiyEththum* adhanuL kaNNaa_ennum*
vEtkai nOykoora* ninaindhu karaindhukum*
aatkoL vaanoththu* en_Nnuyirunda maayanaal*
kOtkuRaipattathu* en_Nnaaruyir kOLundE.	9.6.7

7. Bhagawaan, under the pretext of enslaving me, enters into me and ate
(swallowed) my uyir (jIvan). A little portion of my "uyir", which was
consumed by such Maayavan- Cheater- KaNNan, is still let over by Him and
is yet to be swallowed. Due to that little- which is yet to be swallowed-
I am praising Thirukkaatkarai Emperumaan and pray to Him for. (Look at the
beauty of the words- AzhwAr is enjoying terrific, Dearest BhagavatOttamAs.
He had eaten my life. But didn't finish everything and left a little bit
yet to be swallowed by His Beauty and GuNAs. Hence, I have still some
"kuRai". (means it is not whole- some thing still remains). Such a
"kuRaiyuLLa" adiyEn- the One who has still that kuRai" is praying to
Emperumaan for finishing that kuRai also and making him wholly swallowed).
Hence, I keep calling Him "KaNNA! KaNNA!". Due to my longing for Him (to
finish His quota), I suffer- I torment and melt thinking of Him

kOLundaan anRivanNthu* ennuyir thaanundaan*
naaLunNaaLvandhu* ennai muRRavum thaanundaan*
kaaLanNeermEkath* then_kaatkarai ennappaRku*
aaLanREpattathu* en_aaruyir pattathE.	9.6.8

8. Bhagawaan, without expecting anything from me and any effort from my
end, swallowed my AthmA and enjoyed me. Everyday, He came, He entered into
me, ate me and enjoyed. He is the Emperumaan who is here at
Thirukkaatkarai and is my Emperumaan. My jIvan has become the obedient
servant of Emperumaan, who is like the Dark Black Clouds which had
swallowed the water (rainy clouds). Hence, I am really suffering due to
His GuNAs. ( The suffering due to Bhagawaan's GuNAs is so  great and
natural and His swallowing me is like the clouds swallowing the water.).

aaruyir pattathu* enadhuyir pattadhu*
pErithaz thaamaraikkaN* kanivaayathOr*
kaarezil mEkath* then_kaatkarai kOyilkoL,
cheerezil naalthatanNthOL* theyva vaarikkE.	9.6.9

9. Due to my love and thirst for Him and my suffering from that- who else
would have suffered like me? (None would have- That is why AzhwAr is kula
pathi). Would NityasUris also have suffered  like me? (Naturally! It is
His Beauty and KalyANa guNAs that do the trick! They must have suffered!)
That Black Beauty has large petalled Lotus flower like eyes. He has red,
curvy, most beautiful bimbhA fruit ("Kovvaippazham") like lips and mouth.
He is here at this divya sthalam of Thirukkaatkarai. He has got the movely
name of "Deiva vaari" and to Such Perumaan- in as much as my jIvan
suffers, no one else would have suffered.  (Deiva vaari is the name of
Emperumaan in this Divya Desam. Means: the God of all (demi) Gods- hence,
Deiva vaari - The Deivam (God) who creates Demi Gods.)

vaarikkoNtu* unnaivizunguvan kaaNil'enRu*
aarvuRRa ennai oziya* en_Nnin munnampaariththu*
thaan_ennai* muRRap parukinaan*
kaarokkum* kaatkaraippan kadiyanE.	9.6.10

10. (Dearest Sisters and Brothers- This is a damn good pAsuram. What an
enjoy ment of AzhwAr! How would have sung and How Madhurakavi must have
enjoyed! Don't we envy Madhura kavi?)

"vaarik koNdu unnai vizhungubhavan kaaNil enRu/ aarvuRRa ennai ozhiya
ennil munnam/ paaritthu* thaan ennai muRRap paruginaan/ kaarokkum
kaatkarai appan kadiyanE/".

BhagawaanE! The moment I saw You, immedialetly I longed and desired to
take You in both arms and eat You. (We used to say that to our kids when
they are small. "unnai appadiyE kadicchu saappidalaam pOla irukku." I feel
like biting your cheeks and eating you. That is out of our love and
affection. AzhwAr gets into that extent of love or even much more. Will we
ever get an iota of such love for Emperumaan?). But, You, are ahead of me
and before I acted, You have taken me and drunk me completely. Such
Graceful Lord is Thirukkatkarai Emperumaan. The love which I have for Him
(because of which I felt like eating Him) is luch less than what He has
for me (as He has drunk me before I even went nearer to Him). (NampiLLai,
for this word "paruginaan" (drunk) comments so beautifully and nicely;
Last pAsurams, AzhwAr said that Emperumaan ate Him and swallowed Him. Now
after eating He needed water to drink. Hence, He drank AzhwAr. Because
AzhwAr is His "uNNum chORu and parugum neer". Isn't he? First, Emperumaan,
(as told by AzhwAr in the first pAsuram) made AzhwAr melt like watery food
due to Hia Beauty and guNAs; and then in the last pAsuram, He has drunk
him. What a commentary by NampiLLai!)

kadiyanaayk kanchanaik* konRapiraan dhannai*
kotimathiL then_gurukoorch* chatakOpan_chol*
vadivamaiyaayiratthu* ippaththiNnaal chanmam-
mutiveythi* naachangaNteergaL eNGkaanalE. (2)	9.6.11

11. Bhagawaan, when He appeared as KaNNan, killed kamsan. About such
Emperumaan KaNNan- Sri SadagOpar of Thirukkurugoor has sung 1000 pAsurams.
Out of them, these ten will enable it readers to finish the vicious cycle
of births and deaths and destroy this "mirage" water of samsaaram
(illusory happiness)

T i r u v a i m o z h i   of   N a m m a z h w a r - Centum : 9-6

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