Our Philosophy | Open Art Residencies | Suitcase Art
Sample Lesson | Teachers' Guide

Open ArtMobile

In addition to all the tools and materials students will need to create their own masterpieces, students will work side-by-side with Judith. We will require a room where we can set up a work station for the week--two hours in the morning and two hours in the afternoon--a space which is large enough to contain tables and art supplies and tools, which Open Art brings. While we prefer to use the school's tables, the school need not supply tools and materials. We will, however, circulate a list of "throw away items"-- such as toilet paper rolls, string, magazines, ribbon, and small boxes such as cereal boxes, and many more, which children can be recruited to bring from home ahead of our visit.

At a rate of 15 students at a time brought to the work station, Judith will orient students to the exhibits, tools and materials, and allow them to create a piece of art based on the inspiration of the exhibit examples which include samples of North Carolina artists as well as the masters' works. Each student should have a minimum of a one period per visit and two visits, to complete their art work in an unhurried fashion. Thus, a core group of students and two or three buddy classes will have been exposed to a range of works in the medium. The residency will culminate in either an exhibit or performance of student art, to which parents and the community will be invited.

Our Philosophy | Open Art Residencies | Suitcase Art
Sample Lesson | Teachers' Guide