Our Philosophy | Open ArtMobile | Residencies
Suitcase Art | Teachers' Guide

Sample Lesson Plan: Fourth Grade



The learner will develop skills necessary for understanding and applying media, techniques, and processes. (National Standard 1) Identifies and demonstrates the elements of weaving and fiber art.

Curriculum Connection: Visual Arts, North Carolina folk arts, mathematics, natural sciences


2.01 Know about and correctly use stitchery needles and small hand tools.

2.02 Use additional art media, techniques and processes which may include:

  • Fibers - stitchery, a variety of fiber weaving techniques, such as felting or quilting
  • Cut paper - symmetrical folding and cutting

2.03 Increase skills with familiar materials.

2.04 Demonstrate one's own thought and feelings visually, using sequential, visual narrative.


Students are exposed to a portable exhibit which includes various samples of patterns, weaving and fiber arts. A discussion with the artist/teacher follows, where students' verbal responses to the items on exhibit are encouraged. The Artist/teacher introduces students to a wide variety of materials, tools and supplies from which they can choose to imitate the display items, or to fashion work completely of their own invention. Children will explore weaving through using a rope maker and a rigid heddle loom, and selecting their own fibers from a variety of beautiful natural and recycled materials, to make their own weaving. On a giant, oversized "loom," we encourage the children to try their hand at a cooperative weaving.

Open Art emphasizes to students the reasons for our generous use of recycled and natural materials.

Students will enjoy an opportunity to observe, at close hand, the artist/teacher at her own work. Together, they form a micro artistic community as artist and students work side-by-side. After the residency, teachers are encouraged to set aside a time for students who have completed art work, to show their particular piece to their peers and to discuss the process of making it.

Materials Needed

None. However, a list of possible recycled items that can be brought to school prior to the residency will be provided to teachers.

Educational Guides/Handouts

Handouts on the history of each of the artistic disciplines as well as some of the vocabulary represented by our exhibits will be provided by Open Art prior to the residency.

In addition to weaving, three other exhibits currently available from Open Art include puppetry, collage and painting. See our brochure for future additions.

Our Philosophy | Open ArtMobile | Residencies
Suitcase Art | Teachers' Guide




Adventures on the
rigid heddle loom.

Wow, y'all,
we made a long lasso!


An ancient method
of net weaving.