Our Philosophy | Open ArtMobile | Residencies
Suitcase Art | Sample Lesson

Teacher's Performance Guide


Open Art will require a large room, well-lighted, in which to mount the children's art exhibit, which is the culmination of our Open Art residency. It is possible to use the space in which we have been working. Included with the children's work will be the four Open Art exhibits that have been the underpinning of the week's residency. Parents and the community-at-large are invited to the exhibit, in which we create an atmosphere of an adult art exhibit, with refreshments provided by the school, and a chance to speak with the young artists. A representative artist from Open Art will be on hand to talk about the residency. Students are encouraged to attend their work and speak to observers about how each piece was developed and composed.

Judith Toy's Puppet Residency


Unless there is inclement weather, the puppet festival or performance that is the culminating event of Judith Toy's visit should be set outdoors. A sound system will not be necessary. Puppeteers should all be dressed in white, in order to put the emphasis on the puppets rather than the puppeteers. Her puppet residencies can be keyed to school festival events. These particular puppets in the tradition of Peter Schumann's Bread and Puppet Theater, are meant to be moving outdoors, against the backdrop of trees and sky. Buddy classes which function as the orchestra with their homemade instruments and the voice chorus should frame the performance area. No chairs needed, except for the older adults. Sitting on blankets and lawns is the order of this event. Thus, these should be planned for Spring or Autumn. An indoors event in a gymnasium area can be planned for Winter residencies.

Our Philosophy | Open ArtMobile | Residencies
Suitcase Art | Sample Lesson