T i r u v a i m o z h i   of   N a m m a z h w a r - Centum : X-2

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ketum idaraayavellaam* kEchavaa venna* naaLum-
kotuvinai seyyum* kooRRin thamargaLum kuRukakillaar*
vidamudai aravilpaLLi* virumpinaan surumpalaRRum*
thadamudai vayal* anandhapura_nagarp pukuthuminRE.  (2)	10.2.1

1. Just Call lovingly "Kesavaa!" once. All sorrows will disappear. Even
the terrific yama kimkarars (Yama's men) get shivers when they hear
"Kesavan" name and will not come near us. Hence, We will reach today
itself such Emperumaan's place Thiruvananthapuram where He has, most
willingly, out of His own desire, appeared and be present Permanently.
Thiruvanathapuram is the place where Emperumaan has the venomous
AdhisEshan as His bed and reclines on it. Let us reach that beautiful
Divya dEsam today. (Right now!)

inRupOyp pukuthiraakil* ezumaiyum Ethamchaaraa*
kunRunNaer maatamaatae* kurundhuchEr serundhipunnai*
manRalar pozil* anandhapura_nagar maayan_naamam*
onRumOr aayiramaam* uLLuvaarkku umparoorE.	10.2.2

2. At Thiruvananthapuram, tall, huge, mountain like buildings are there;
Nearby lots of trees, lots of fragrant flowers, and most beautiful gardens
are there. If you reach such a beautiful Divya dEsam, you will never get
in any of your future births at all. Every name of the Lord who is here at
this sthalam, is capable of granting you fruits equivalent to the thousand
names of His. Hence, those who recite His name at this place, this place
itself is Paramapadham (Sri Vaikuntam).

oorumput kodiyum aqthE* ulakellaam undumizndhaan*
chErum thaNNanandhapuram* sikkenap pukuthiraakil*
theerum_nOy vinaikaLellaam* thiNNa_naam aRiyachchonnOm*
pErum OraayiraththuL* onRu_neer pEchuminE.	10.2.3

3. Emperumaan has the Strongest GarudA as His vaahanam. The same GarudA-
he has as His flag for His chariot. The Bhagawaan, who ate and brought the
universe back, after the PraLayam (Cosmic cycle) is here most gracefully
presenting Himself at Thiruvananthapuram. If you enter into this Divya
dEsam, all diseases, all sins, will immediately evaporate.  Let me tell
you all one thing firmly and decisively. Enjoy His Greatness and kalyANA
guNAs by uttering at least one of His Greatest unparalleled, unmatched

pEchumin koochaminRip* periya_neer vElaichoozndhu*
vaachamE kamazum chOlai* vayalaNiyanandhapuram*
nEchaNYcheythu uRaikinRaanai* neRimaiyaal malargaLthoovi*
poochanai seykinRaargaL* puNNiyam seythavaaRE.	10.2.4

4. Thiruvanathapuram is hugged by the vast deep ocean waters; Most
fragrant gardens surrounding the paddy fields are filled entirely in this
fertile Divya dEsam. Offer flowers and perform Thiruvaaraadhanam as per
saashthrAs to this Bhagawaan, who, most willingly shows Himself, at this
sthalam. Those who do that are blessed ones. And please do not feel shy or
ashamed of talking about such puNyavaans (blessed people) and their

puNNiyam seythu* _nalla punalotu malargaLthoovi*
eNNumiNn endhai_naamam* ippiRappaRukkum appaal*
thiNNam_naam aRiyachchonnOm* seRipozil anandhapuraththu*
aNNalaar kamalapaatham* aNukuvaar amararaavaar.	10.2.5

5. Have unalloyed deep, sincere bhakti on Emperumaan and offer pure water
and flowers in your arcchanai and think of His Names. Such a thought and
prayer will remove this birth cycle. Those who reach the Lotus Feet of
Thiruvananthapiram Emperumaan will become NityasUris for sure. It is
definite and have no doubts about it. We have told this assertively in
order to let everyone know of this great factual truth.

amararaayth thirikinRaargatku* aathichEr anandhapuraththu*
amarar_kOn archchikkinRu* angakappaNi seyvarviNNOr*
namargaLO! sollakkENmin* naamumpOy naNukavEndum*
kumaranaar thaathai* thunbam thudaiththa kOvindhanaarE.	10.2.6

6. This Emperumaan- Govindhan- is the One who removed the sin of
SubrahmaNyan's Father, Sivan (refer recent posts on 5th head of BrahmA!).
He is such Greatest Supreme Lord of all. Those who call themselves as
Devas also pay obeisance to Him as their Lord. Such Primordial Chief is
present here majestically and permanently at Thiruvananthapuram and is
worshiped even by VishvaksEnar (Senai Mudali) at this Divya sthalam. Even
NiyasUris and Mukthars, likewise, perform their kaimkaryams, to this Lord
here. Oh My DEAREST BHAAGAWATHAAS!  Listen to me please! Let us also join
these NityasUris and involve ourselves deeply in Bhgawath Kaimkaryams.

thudaiththa kOvindhanaarE* ulakuyir thEvummaRRum*
padaiththa emparamamoorththi* paampaNaip paLLikondaan*
madaiththalai vaaLaipaayum* vayalaNiyanandhapuram*
kadaiththalai seeykkappeRRaal* kaduvinai kaLaiyalaamE.	10.2.7

7. This Emperumaan- Govindhan- is the One who creates all the worlds, all
beings, all demi Gods, and everything - is the One who re-creates all of
these again after MahApraLayam. He is The Grandest and Greatest Primordial
Lord. Such Supreme Lord, is so simple to offer Himself for us at this
place for us, (the Greatest and Grandest mahA Sinners) to have such an
easy accessibility to Him here at Thiruvananthapuram. He reclines so
beautifully on AdhisEshan as Hs Bed. IF WE GO HERE (THIRVANDRUM) AND DO
Read the message! We shall perform such mopping, cleaning kaimkaryams at
temples- Sri yathirAjar was performing the kaimkaryam of bringing well
water to the temple. We should NEVER EVER think that it is not the work of
one who knows so much slOkams, has done kaalakshEpams, etc.. etc.. or one
who has earned so much dollars, or in a respected high post (manager) in a
firm - how can "we" do such cleaning the dirt from temples? No! what will
others think of me?. Great jnAni, BhakthA, Our kulapathi NammAzhwAr, our
Dearest AchAryA Sri rAmAnujAchAryA have advised  and done that. Where are
we? Are we learned( poginRa jnAnam? Pollaa ozhukkam?), wealthy? (naasthi
pithuraarjitham kinchith namayaa kinchithaarjitham).

kaduvinai kaLaiyalaakum* kaamanaip payandhakaaLai*
idavakai kondathenbar* ezilaNiyanandhapuram*
padamudaiyaravil paLLi* payinRavan paathamkaaNa*
nadaminO namargaLuLLeer!* naam umakkaRiyach chonnOm.	10.2.8

8. Bhagawaan- The Father of Manmathan (Cupid), is staying permanently at
this beautiful Divya dEsam Thiruvanathapuram. He is reclining on the Bed
of AdhisEshan here. To see His Lotus Feet and pay obeisance to Him , all
of you!  my dear ones! proceed towards this place. If you do that, the
enormous amounts of sins that you have accrued over the ages can simply
vanish. I just want to let you all know that.

naam umakku aRiyachchonna* naaLkaLum naNiyavaana*
chEmam naNnkudaiththukkandeer* seRipozilanandhapuram*
thooma_nal viraimalargaL* thuvaLaRa aayndhukondu*
vaamanan adikkenRu eththa* maayndhaRum vinaikaLthaamE.	10.2.9

9. FOR ALL OF YOU (Dearest Sisters and Brothers), THE FINAL DAYS ON DEATH
BED ARE FAST APPROACHING! This lovely Divya dEsam Thiruvananthapuram can
do good to us and protect us. You can really experience it here. Hence,
collect fragrant flowers, some incense sticks sincerely, without any
faults, and worship Him and pay obeisance to this Lord of
Thiruvanathapuram, by placing those flowers at the Lotus feet of Sri
Anantha PadmanAbhan, who came as Vaamanan. If you all do that, all paapams
will automatically vanish.

maayndhaRum vinaikaLthaamE* maathavaa enna* naaLum-
Eyndhapon mathiL* anandhapura nagarendhaikkenRu*
chaandhotu viLakkamthoopam* thaamarai malargaL_nalla*
aayndhukoNtu Eththavallaar* andhamil pukazinaarE.	10.2.10.

10. If you call Emperumaan as "MADHAVAA!", the same moment, all your sins
will disappear. Hence, those who can gather pure Sandal, Lotus flowers,
incense sticks, and a ViLakku (lamp), go daily to Thiruvanathapuram,
(which is surrounded by tall ramparts), and pay obeisance to the Lord
Emperumaan AnanthapadmanAbhan, will attain limitless, unbounded fame and

andhamil pukaz* anandhapura nagar aathithannai*
kondhalar pozil* kurukoor maaRan chollaayiraththuL*
aindhinOtu aindhumvallaar* aNaivar_pOy amarulakil*
paindhodi madandhaiyar_tham* vEymaru thOLiNaiyE.  (2)	10.2.11

11. The unbounded, limitless Greatest Lord Emperumaan is gracefully and
permanently staying in this Divya dEsam of Thiruvanathapuram and He is the
Primordial Chief and is the Parama Purushan. Sri SadagOpar of
Thirukkurugoor has song these ten (out of his 1000 pAsurams) pAsurams on
Thiruvananthapuram Emperumaan Sri AnanathaPadmanAbhan. Those who read
these ten ARE SURE TO ATTAIN SRIVAIKUNTAM and attain Nitya vibhUtI at the
end of their present lives. There (at Sri vaikuntam), they will be served
by Devamaathar (ladies in Deva lOkam) who have beautiful bamboo like
shoulders. (means: They all will be served with reverence, sincerity  and
affection, love by Deva maathargaL. However,  AARaayirappadi vyAkhyAnam
interprets little differently and in a beautiful manner: In as much as the
loving husbands are served lovingly, affectionately by their beautiful
wives, the readers of these ten will be served at Srivaikuntam.)

T i r u v a i m o z h i   of   N a m m a z h w a r - Centum : X-2

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