T i r u v a i m o z h i   of   N a m m a z h w a r - Centum : X-5

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kaNNan kazaliNai* naNNum manamudaiyeer*
eNNum thiru_naamam* thiNNam naaraNamE.  (2)	10.5.1

  Oh BhAgawathAs, who has always the thoughts of reaching the Lotus Feet
of KaNNan (Parama sowlabhyan- who stooped down to our level and took
KrishNAvataar)! You all need to think and meditate only on His name
.Narayanan.. Nothing else. This is firm and definite. Take it for granted.

(NampiLLai greatly talks about this pAsuram: If one spoils an angam or a
swaram on other manthrams, there is even a punishment to become
brahmaraakshasan. Such fears are not here. It is a simple name and that is
.Narayana. padham. Here AzhwAr says: .eNNum thirunaamam.. He did not say
.eNNum manthram.. Since it is only Thirunaamam, there is no niyamam. Any
time and every time- Narayana Narayana. Like a baby utters and blabbers
the mother.s name and mother loves it so much, Sriman Narayanan adores our
calling Him .NarayanA!..

(Special anecdote: After NammAzhwAr departed from this earthly world,
MadhurakaviAzhwAr was blessed with a Golden vigraham of NammAzhwAr which
he consecrated and performed ThiruvarAdhanA and uthsavams in his honour.
He was impressed by nammAzhwAr's works so much that wanted to stage
NammAzhwAr's works in front of other scholars. the sangam poets objected
to such claims and praises. NammazhwAr who had no connection with Sangam (
a big deal!). Madhurakavi, it seems was saddened by this protest and was
weeping literally. NammAzhwar, appeared as an old Brahmin and consoled him
saying " Do not worry about these petty issues; You just place this
pAsuram of "kaNNan kazhaliNai..." on a kind of boat (sangap palagai) and
watch the fun" and disappeared. Madhurakavi did the same and the boat, it
is told capsized throwing out all the jealous, haughty poets while it
retained only the leaf containing "kaNNan kazhaliNai.."- Such a POWERFUL

Each of these jealous poets wrote independently one Tamil poem on the
Great NammAzhwAr, which finally turned out to be same one which all others
wrote: What a mystery! What an AzhwAr! What a disciple! The verse is as
follows: "Semang kurugaiyo seyyathirup pArkadalO nAmam paraangusamo
naaraNamo - thAman thuLavO vaguLamO thOLiraNdO nAngum uLavO peruma umakku"
meaning .Are you, (the Kurugaiyoor Piraan) Or Sriman Narayanan Himself?)

naaraNan emmaan* paaraNangaaLan*
vaaraNam tholaiththa* kaaraNan thaanE.	10.5.2

My Master, Narayanan is the Lord of BhUmi PiraaTTi. He is the One who
killed kuvalayaapeetam elephant. He is Cause and Creator of whole

thaanE ulagellaam* thaanE padaiththidandhu*
thaanE undumizndhu* thaanE aaLvaanE.	10.5.3

Bhagawaan Narayanan is the life of all worlds. Without any extra
assistance, on His own, He creates the worlds and during PraLayam, He
Himself eats and spits the same out afterwards to protect the Universe.
Like that, He protects and rules the whole Universe all by Himself.

aaLvaan aazi_neer* kOLvaay aravaNaiyaan*
thaaLvaay malarittu* _naaLvaay naadeerE.	10.5.4

The Cause /Creator of the whole Universe . Emperumaan is reclining on the
Huge waters . on AdhisEshan. Offer flowers at that Emperumaan.s Lotus Feet
and pay your obeisance to Him.

naadeer naaLthORum* vaadaa malar_kondu*
paadeer avan_naamam* veedE peRalaamE.	10.5.5

Everyday- daily, collect fresh, new flowers and offer to Bhagawaan and pay
obeisance to Him. Sing His Thirunaamam (Name) with naama sangheerthanam.
If you all do thus with sincere bhakti, you can easily attain mOksham.
(Here AzhwAr uses .naadeer. word, to reach Him mentally (manas), .koNdu.
word, to collect flowers (.kaayam.-body) and .paadeer. word, to sing
(.vaak.), to imply performing our kaimkaryam to the Lord with manO, vaak
and  kaayam.)

mEyaan vEngadam* kaayaa malarvaNNan*
pEyaar mulaiyunda* vaayaan maadhavanE.  (2)	10.5.6

Bhagawaan has got lovely blue hued ThirumEni (Divine Body). He has got the
cute red mouth that sucked the life of pUthanai alongwith her posionous
breast milk (who had come to kill the infant KaNNan). He is Sri LakshmI
Nathan, (Madhavan) and is gracefully present at ThiruvENkatam, as

maadhavan enRenRu* Odha valleerEl*
theedhonRum adaiyaa* Edham saaraavE.	10.5.7

If you utter .Madhavan. (Sriya:pathih- LakshminAthan), then, all your sins
will be removed by such an utterance. No new sins also will come to you.
(means: you will not commit such sins anymore). (AzhwAr here adds
.Srimadh. padham with LakshmInAthan, Madhavan name, and in first pAsuram,
he said about Narayanan. Thus, AzhwAr says .utter Dwayam and get rid of
all sins, past, present and future.)

saaraa EdhangaL* neeraar mugilvaNNan*
pEr aar Othuvaar* aaraar amararE.	10.5.8

Emperumaan- One who has the colour of dark clouds- Those who utter His
names will NEVER get any sin approaching them. Whoever sings His naama
sangheerthanam, (Whoever they are- illiterate- anjnAni- low caste- male-
female- whatever- you name it- it is included!) they become on par with
Nityar. (AzhwAr emphasises : Whoever utters .Sriman Narayana. padham, (as
narrated in last pAsuram), they become paramapadhavaasis. No knowledge, no
adhikaaram, no niyamam, no linking to caste/births, - Whoever they are, if
they utter Bhagavan Naamaa, they are compared to NityasUris, is implied.-

amararkku ariyaanai* thamargatku eLiyaanai*
amarath thozuvaargatku* amaraa vinaikaLE.	10.5.9

Bhagawaan, is a rare (to be seen) even by Brahma and other Devas. But for
His BhakthAs, He is a Parama solwabhyan (to make Himself available to them
as archaavataars, as vyUhAvataars). To such Greatest Emperumaan, those
(without expecting any fruits from Him- Paramaikaanthins) who pay
obeisance to Him, will NEVER get any sin approach them, at anytime.

vinaival iruLennum* munaigaL veruvippOm*
chunai nan malarittu* ninaimin nediyaanE.	     10.5.10.

If you pay obeisance to Bhagawaan, puNyams, paapams, the cruel anjnAnam
(or vibharItha jnAnam - wrong knowledge) will all get scared and vanish.
Hence, gather fresh flowers and offer to SarvEshwaran and think of Him.
(AzhwAr says: .All that is a hurdle to kaimkaryam will vanish. Then, we
can reach. In this pAsuram, AzhwAr is reported to have hinted on .Sarva
paapEbhyO mOkshayishyaami..)

nediyaan aruL soodum* padiyaan sadakOpan*
nodi aayiraththippaththu* adiyaarkku aruL pERE.  (2)	10.5.11

Sri SadagOpar is blessed to obtain the grace of Nediyaan (Sriman
Narayanan). He has composed 1000 pAsurams (on Him) and these ten (out of
1000) will be His blessings as His prasaadhams and bhAgyam. (means: Those
who read these ten will be called .The blessed ones to obtain the grace of
Sriman Narayanan, similar to Sri SadagOpar, NammAzhwAr).

T i r u v a i m o z h i   of   N a m m a z h w a r - Centum : X-5

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