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Dear Swamy  Desika BhakthAs :

AdiyEn will commence a number of  postings now on
the next Desika Prabhandham , Para Matha Bhangam 
in the overall series of postings linked to Thiruvaheendhrapuram
RathnAngi Kaimkaryam .

Introductory  Comments on this Tamil Prabhandham
This is a very important Prabhandham derived from
a very famous debate of Swamy  Desikan with leaders of 
other Mathams in front of Lord DevanAthan on the banks of 
PeNNai river . Swamy Desikan defeated all his challengers and
firmly established the Supermacy of VisishtAdhvaitham
over 15 other SiddhAnthams . Lord DevanAthan was
very pleased at the accomplishment of His dear devotee
and blessed him profusely .

The avathAram of Para Matha Bhngam
After this historic debate , Swamy  Desikan composed
the major MaNipravALa SrI Sookthi named "PARA MATHA
BHANGAM " to summarize the content of his debate
with the people of Para Mathams ( other SiddhAnthams) .

There are 24 chapters in that SrI Sookthi/Rahasyam .
Swamy Desikan took the first and the last paasurams of these
24 chapters that were in chaste TamiL and strung  them
together as a garland along with 6 more special Paasurams 
to create the FOURTH Desika Prabhandham with the same 
name of "PARA MATHA BHANGAM " . There are thus 
54 Tamil Paasurams in this Fourth Desika Prabhandham .

The Original SrI Sookthi in MaNipravALam
The original  MaNipravALa Version of "Para Matha Bhangam "
is an intellectual achievement of the highest magnitude. Abhinava
Desikan , Vaikunta Vaasi , SrI UttamUr  Swamy has blessed us
with a commentary for this MaNipravALa version entitled
"AnapAya PrabhA ". It has 1168 pages of commentary .
Erudition to grasp the fine points of this grantham is beyond
the capabilities of many of us . Only a very few AchAryAs
can help us understand atleast a small portion of this extraordinary
creation of Swamy Desikan.

The SrI Sookthis of Swamy  Desikan such as Tatthva Muktha KalApam ,
Satha DhUshaNi , SarvArTa Siddhi , MeemAmsa PadhukA ,
The Five RakshA granthams have material  related to  Para Matha
Bhangam. It will take many lives and SadAchArya KatAksham
to get even  a glimpse of the deep doctrines covered by Swamy  
Desikan in the original SrI Sookthi of Para Matha Bhangam .

For our benefit , Swamy  Desikan has assembled the 54 Tamil Paasurams
of the original SrI Sookthi to realize the Fourth Desika Prabhandham
named Para Matha Bhangam . That Tamil Prabhandham will be
the subject of the subsequent postings for the next few days.
Please bear with adiyEn's  incompetence to summarize them .

Swamy  Desikan's Prayer to Lord DevanAthan
The original MaNipravALa Version starts with the prayer of
Swamy Desikan to Lord DEvanAthan , who was waiting eagerly 
on the banks of PeNNai River during one of His Uthsavam to witness
this debate between His intimate devotee and the challengers
from the other Mathams. The prayer of Swamy  Desikan 
to Lord DevanAthan at the beginning of this debate is  :

" apaayAsthu tama: pumsAm anapAya prabhAnvitha:
  AhIndhranagarE nithyam udhithOayam ahaskara: "

Word by Word Meaning
anapAya PrabhA anvitha :  = the Lord with never leaving lustre
(prabhA) of SrI HemAbhja Naayaki 

AhIndhra NagarE = at His dhivya dEsam of AhIndhrapuram

nithyam = always

udhitha: = rising 

ayam = this Lord , the origin of this SrI Sookthi

Ahaskara: =  is shining as the radiant Sun

PumsAm Tama: nithyam apAsyathu = May He banish
the darkness (tamas) of nescience and viparItha Jn~Anam of
the chEthanams !

( Integrated Meaning ):  Lord DEvanAthan with the unique
lakshaNam of His eternal Prabhai of SrI HemAbhja
Naayaki  . Her is always resplendent as the rising Sun.
May this Lord of Thiruvaheendhrapuram chase away all
the spirtual darkness of people with His matchless lustre!

This prayer is linkable to the command of Manu in His Smruthi
according to Sri UtthamUr Swamy :

" yaa vEda-bAhyaa: smruthayO yaasccha kaasccha kudhrushtaya:
  SarvasthA: nishphalA: prEthya tamOnishtA hi taa: smruthA:"

Para Mathams are born due to the influence of TamO guNam 
and are rooted in that guNam . The prayer to the ishta dhaivam of 
Swamy  Desikan is to remove the Tamo GuNam of people through
study of the SrI Sookthi born out of Lord DEvanAthan's grace .
Paraphrasing Manu , the First Law giver , Swamy  Desikan 
condemns the Veda BAhya and Kudhrushti Mathams as 
nishphalam ( fruitless) and prays to the Lord to banish 
the TamO GuNam   that stands in the way of the ChEthanams 
to adopt the Vedam-prescribed UpAyam of SaraNAgathy 
to gain freedom from the cycles of Births and Deaths 
in the SamsAric world (Moksham ).  

The Scope of Para Matha Bhangam
Swamy  Desikan was a Master of all Darsanams . He was
one of the greatest scholars of all times to understand the faulty
assumptions and conclusions of Veda Baahya Mathams and
Kudrushti Mathams . He was also a Master of the tenets of
SrI VisishtAdhvaitham as developed by Rishis like
VyAsa-ParAsara-Parankusa and PoorvAchAryAs
like Swamy  Nathamuni, EmperumAnAr and other AchAryas
like NadathUr AmmAL and AathrEya RaamAnujar  (His own

Swamy  Desikan used his immense scholarship to provide
the logic-based critique about the deficiencies and pitfalls of  
15 other Mathams(SaarvAkam , Four kinds of Bhouddha Matham ,
Jainam , Adhvaitham , BhAskara-Yaadhava Matham , VyAkaraNa 
Matham , KaNAtha Matham , Gouthama Matham , MeemAmsaka 
Matham , Saankhya Matham , Yoga and Paasupatha Mathams ) 
and established the unassailable superiority of VisishtAdhvaitha
SiddhAntham .

Swamy  Desikan created the major MaNipravALa commentary
as his critique of all the other SiddhAnthams and to establish
the glories of  VisishtAdhvaitha SiddhAntham over all of
them . There are 24 chapters in the MaNipravALa Rahasyam
known as "Para Matha Bhangam ".

These 24 chapters of Paramatha Bhangam are:

1.PrasthAvanAdhikAram ( The chapter serving as
an Introduction / Preface to this Sri Sookthi )

2. Jeeva TatthvAdhikAram (Sentient Tatthvam)
3. Achith TattvAdhikAram (insentient Tatthvam)
4. Para TatthvAdhikAram (Iswara Tatthvam) 

Chapters 2, 3 and 4 deal with the Tatthva Thrayams of
ChEthanam , achEthanam and Iswaran .

5. SamudhAya DhOshAdhikAram

This chapter deals with the defects /blemishes (dhOshams)
common to all (samudhAya dhOshams) of the Para Mathams

6. LokAyadhika BhangAdhikAram /SaarvAka Matham critique
7. MadhyAmika BhangAdhikAram/ criticism of MaadhyAdhmikam
8. YogAchAra BhangAdhikAram/Criticism of YogAchAram
9. SouuthrAndhika BhangAdhikAram
10. VaibhAshika BhangAhikAram
11. Prachanna BHouddha BhangAdhikAram
12. Jaina BhangAdhikAram
13. BhAskara-Yaadhava BnagAdhikAram
14. VyAkaraNa BhangAdhikAram
15. VaisEshika BhangAdhikAram
16. Goudhama(NyAya) BhangAdhikAram
17. NirIswara MemAmsA BhangAdhikAram
18. NeerIswara Saankhya NirAkaraNAdhikAram
19. Yoga SiddhAntha BhangAdhikAram/Criticism of Yoga Matham
20. Paasupatha BhashikArAdhikAram

The above 15 chapters (  6-20 ) serve as the criticism of
the specific dhOshams of  each of the above 15 Para Mathams .

21. Salutation to PaancharAthra Saasthram/
      Bhagavath Saasthra VirOdha BhangAdhikAram.

This chapter is constructed as the defense of Paancha Raathra
Aagamam and to establish that it does not belong to the category of
Para Mathams .

22. ParOkthOpAya BhangAdhikAram
23. ParOktha PrayOjana BhangAdhikAram

These two chapters assert that the UpAyam and Phalan /
PrayOjanam advocated by the 15 Para Mathams are
insubstantial, inappropriate and not lasting to gain
Moksha Sukham in distinct contrast with the UpAyam
and Phalan realizable with the Parama Vidhika Matham
of VisishtAdhvaitham.

24. Nigamana AdhikAram

Based on Tarkam , Nigamanam means conclusion
in a Syllogism. Nigamana AdhikAram can also be
intrepreted as that which has Vedic Sanctions.
This is the concluding chapter of the illustrious SrI Sookthi
of  Para Matha Bhngam .

Swamy Desikan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam
Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil  Varadachari Sadagopan

SrimathE SrI Lakshmi Nrusimha Dhivya PaadhukA Sevaka
SrI VaNN SaThakOpa NaarAyaNa YathIdhra MahA DesikAya Nama:

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