


Deadline Oct 25th

Purpose:  For this assignment students are to create their own tutorial. It is expected that each student has learned some particular skill or how to achieve some effect using truespace. All of the following tutorial choices pertain to the chessboard assignment. The goal of this project is to allow other students to build on what you have learned. You will also learn a fast way of creating a web page.

Objectives: Students will be assigned one of the topics below. They will write a tutorial that  is clear and easy to follow and they will post it to the web. This tutorial will be written using Microsoft Word and will make use of Text, Tables, Images and Word Art

Topics: You must use the names provided...

The Pieces

  1. Pawn by Eric Magee Will include the process of lathing, Sphere creation and distortion and the use of the object information panel to line up parts correctly
  2. Bishop by Bryan Engstrom  Creation of the Bishop's hat including the object deformation tool and the Boolean subtraction tool to create the notch
  3. Rook by Brad Hudson Creation of the Castle's top using the face edit tool, and Boolean subtractions as well as the object information panel
  4. Queen Creation of the Queen's crown using face edit tool, Boolean subtraction and object information panel
  5. King Creation of the King's crown and cross using the face edit tools, object information panel and  Boolean union tool
  6. Knight by Charles Bannister Creation of the Knight (method is left to student)

Painting and Rendering: Each of these tutorials should include and explanation of the effect to be achieved

  1. Shadow maps by Dan MacCord Adding shadow maps to a scene
  2. Ray tracing by Pat McDonough  Creating mirror like reflections
  3. Chessboard by Cameron Wicks  How to create a chessboard with a minimum number of sides and paint it in a checkerboard pattern.
  4. Rendering by Richard Raithal Creating jpgs from a Truespace scene
  5. Backgrounds by Melissa Ellis How to change the background color or texture of a scene
  6. Textures by Nicole Pelaggi Painting with textures.

Technical Specifications (If you have any questions consult the Simple web page construction rubric)

The Student will....



A Outstanding Tutorial excellent use of words and images. Easy to read an a challenging topic to explain

B Very Good Tutorial Images and text used. All steps included and correct, words and images word together  Clear and correct instructions

C Fair Tutorial Complete but  missing one or more Technical specification or  some images or steps necessary for the tutorial are missing, Instructions not clear. 

D Poor Tutorial substantially incomplete

F Failing Not Attempted