The Modular Electronics Learning (ModEL) project represents the culmination of over two decades of professional instruction in the field of industrial electricity and electronics. It is substantially different from earlier publications such as Lessons In Electric Circuits in multiple ways.
First, the tutorials seek to explain as much as possible about electric and electronic circuits from first principles such as physical Conservation Laws. Second, each complete module contains multiple tutorials approaching the topic from different perspectives and levels of complexity (e.g. Introduction, Case Tutorial, Simplified Tutorial, Full Tutorial). The Tutorial chapters strive to apply fundamental concepts and problem-solving strategies at every opportunity so that readers emerge with a strong conceptual foundation. Third, some modules additionally contain Historical References and/or Animations chapters providing further exposition and context. Fourth, each modules contains question sets, projects, and experiments in order to be a comprehensive learning tool. These application questions specifically address qualitative, quantitative, and diagnostic modes of thought in order to encourage well-rounded development of the reader's understanding. Finally, these modules showcase the use of computer-based simulation tools, especially SPICE and text-based computer programming languages such as C, C++, and Python, as an aid to exploration of circuits and their underlying principles.
Similar to the Socratic Electronics project, these learning modules are expressly designed to be used within an instructional modality that is both ``inverted'' (students learning independently through reading prior to meeting with the instructor) and ``Socratic'' (the instructor challenging students to reason through all concepts and problems via dialogue). Appendices contained in each and every module outline problem-solving strategies and the instructional philosophy informing the design and application of the modules.
These documents and all related files are copyrighted works, but licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License. A copy of this license is found in the last Appendix of every learning module. Alternatively, you may visit or send a letter to Creative Commons: 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA. The terms and conditions of this license allow for free copying, distribution, and/or modification of all licensed works by the general public.
The following courses based on ModEL learning modules are designed for use at Lewis-Clark State College in Lewiston, Idaho. They are designed to fit in a sequence of four semesters, each semester being 15 weeks in length. Total semester-credit count is less than 60 credits, allowing room for general education and/or elective courses. Theory courses are calculated on the basis of 1 contact hour per week, per semester-credit. Experiment courses are calculated on the basis of 3 contact hours per week, per semester-credit. Project courses are calculated on the basis of 2 contact hours per week, per semester-credit.
DC Circuit Theory IETTI-101 (4 cr) Semester 1 Theory |
DC Circuit Experiments IETTI-103 (4 cr) Semester 1 Experiments |
DC Circuit Projects IETTI-102 (4 cr) Semester 1 Projects |
AC Circuit Theory IETTI-104 (4 cr) Semester 2 Theory |
AC Circuit Experiments IETTI-112 (4 cr) Semester 2 Experiments |
AC Circuit Projects IETTI-105 (4 cr) Semester 2 Projects |
Intermediate Electronics Theory IETTI-222 (4 cr) Semester 3 Theory |
Intermediate Electronics Experiments IETTI-221 (4 cr) Semester 3 Experiments |
Intermediate Electronics Projects IETTI-220 (4 cr) Semester 3 Projects |
Advanced Electronics Theory IETTI-223 (4 cr) Semester 4 Theory |
Advanced Electronics Experiments IETTI-225 (4 cr) Semester 4 Experiments |
Advanced Electronics Projects IETTI-236 (4 cr) Semester 4 Projects |
Here is a calendar for the active semester at LC State College, as a web page: Calendar (HTML). Here is the same calendar, as a comma-separated variable file viewable and editable in a spreadsheet: Calendar (CSV).
Here is a daily schedule for Monday-Friday EET program classes at LC State College, as a PDF document: Daily Schedule (PDF).
Second-semester practice Comprehensive exam similar in scope to entrance exams given by employers of electronics technicians. Students completing the IETTI-105 (semester 2 projects) course take different versions of this same exam in order to assess their knowledge and skill gained over the first year of studies in Electronics. Being a practice exam, all answers are provided in the last pages of this PDF document.
Third-semester practice Comprehensive exam covering topics from IETTI-101, IETTI-104, and IETTI-220 Theory courses.
Fourth-semester practice Comprehensive exam covering topics from IETTI-101, IETTI-104, IETTI-220, and IETTI-223 Theory courses.
Markdown guide showing how to use the Markdown markup language to write text documents, along with an image linked within that document. Markdown is highly recommended as a format for writing technical journals.
The following courses based on ModEL learning modules are designed for use at Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories for assemblers and other non-technical employees.
Electricity and Electronics course: EET 003 (48 days) |
A hyperlinked listing all the sections in every module may be viewed or downloaded here: List of Section Titles
This list may be helpful in searching for a particular topic among all the modules hosted on this site.
Start at the top, and work your way down. Modules in the same row may be completed in any order. Ideally, you should complete each whole row before proceeding down to the next row. Any module titles appearing in italic font are either incomplete (if hyperlinked) or are not yet created (if inaccessible).
Within each module, try to define all the terms and answer all the questions listed in the Introduction chapter after reading the Tutorial chapter(s).
Basic Trade Mathematics | Manipulating Algebraic Equations | Trigonometry |
Boolean Algebra | Complex Numbers | Probability |
Fundamental Concepts of Calculus | Numerical Differentiation | Numerical Integration |
Ideal and Real Sources | Maximum Power Transfer Theorem |
Superposition Theorem | Thevenin's and Norton's Theorems |
Millman's Theorem | Loop and Mesh Analysis |
SPICE Modeling of DC Networks |
Sensors Overview | Actuators Overview |
Electrical Metrology |
AC Quantities and Measurements | Phasor Mathematics |
Oscilloscopes | AC meters |
Phasors and AC Circuit Measurements | Phasor Diagrams |
Resistance, Reactance, and Impedance | Efficiency and Power Factor |
Series AC Circuits | Parallel AC Circuits |
Series-Parallel AC Circuits | Series/Parallel AC Equivalents |
Resonance | Parasitic effects |
Mutual Inductance | Transformers |
Frequency-Domain Analysis | Signal Coupling and Noise |
Elementary Filter Circuits | AC Power Instruments |
Polyphase AC | Polyphase Transformer Circuits |
Transmission Lines | Balun Transformers |
Advanced Filter Circuits | |
Smith Charts | Vector Network Analyzers |
The S Variable | Transfer Functions |
SPICE Modeling of AC Circuits |
Electrical Power Grids | Single-Line Electrical Diagrams |
Electrical Hazards | Principles of Overcurrent Protection |
AC Generators | AC Motors |
Circuit Breakers and Disconnects | Power Transformers |
AC Induction Motor Starters | Variable Frequency AC Motor Drives |
AC Power Regulation | Overvoltage Protection |
Instrument Transformers | Principles of Protective Relaying |
Symmetrical Components | AC Motor Protection |
Overcurrent Protection Relays | Directional Overcurrent Protection Relays |
Reclosing Protection Relays | Overcurrent Protection Coordination |
Differential Generator, Line, and Bus Protection Relays | Differential Transformer Protection Relays |
Distance Line Protection Relays | Traveling-Wave Line Protection Relays |
Auxiliary Protective Relays | Protective Relay Testing |
SPICE Modeling of Power Circuits | AC Power Quality |
Thermionic Emission | Vacuum Rectifiers |
Triode Tubes | Multi-Grid Tubes |
Thyratron Tubes | RF Tubes |
SPICE Modeling of Vacuum Components |
Diode Switching Circuits | Clipper and Clamper Circuits |
Transistor Switching Circuits | Thyristor Switching Circuits |
Comparators | Basic Principles of Digital |
Phase-Angle Power Control | Pulse Width Modulation |
DC-AC Power Conversion | DC-DC Power Conversion |
Relay Ladder Logic | Semiconductor Logic Gates |
Digital Numeration | Digital Codes |
Error Detection and Correction | Digital Circuit Diagnostic Principles |
Combinational Logic | Latching Logic |
Boolean Algebra | Karnaugh Mapping |
Shift Registers | Digital Counters |
Encoders and Decoders | Multiplexers and Demultiplexers |
Digital Memory | Digital Computing Circuits |
Analog-Digital Conversion | Digital Signal Integrity |
Finite State Machines | Introduction to Microprocessors |
SPICE Modeling of Switching Circuits |
Linear Voltage Regulators | Linear Current Regulators |
Transistor biasing | Load lines |
Single-Stage BJT Amplifiers | Single-Stage FET Amplifiers |
Differential Pair Amplifiers | Multi-Transistor Amplifiers |
Amplifier Performance | Feedback |
Audio Amplifiers | RF Amplifiers |
Comparators | Operational Amplifiers |
Signal Referencing and Scaling | Data Acquisition Circuits |
Analog Computing Circuits | Phase-Locked Loops |
SPICE Modeling of Amplifier Circuits | Oscillators |
Serial Data Communication | EIA/TIA-232, 422, and 485 Serial Networks | |
SPI Serial Networks | I2C Serial Networks | |
Ethernet Networks | Internet Protocols | |
Internet-based Systems | Modbus Networks | |
Introduction to RF | Basic Principles of Radio | |
Radio Antennas | Antenna Feed Systems | |
RF Link Budgets | Introduction to Modulation | |
High-Frequency Amplifiers | Mixers | |
Radio Transmitters | Radio Receivers | |
RF Measurements | ||
Optical Communication | Digital Security |
Electrical Metrology | Characterized Measurements |
Introduction to Process Control | Analog Instrumentation Circuits |
Fluid Pressure Measurement | Liquid Level Measurement |
Temperature Measurement | Fluid Flow Measurement |
Variable Frequency AC Motor Drives | Control Valves |
Closed-Loop Control | PID Control |
Process Dynamics and PID Tuning | Basic Control Strategies |
Texas Instruments MSP430 Microcontrollers | Introduction to PLCs |
A ``slideshow'' style document describing inverted (flipped) instruction and its advantages over lecture-based instruction: Inverted Instruction for Technical Subjects
A ``slideshow'' style document describing mastery assessment of learning, presented to fellow faculty at Bellingham Technical College in 2013 during an in-service professional development event: Mastery Testing
A document outlining my philosophy of technical education as well as detailed tips on how to design a strong technical curriculum: Principles of Robust Technical Education
SPICE version 2G6 is a legacy, ``freeware'' program used to analyze DC and AC circuits. Using SPICE is similar to writing a computer program. The first step is to create a plain-text file containing instructions for SPICE to follow, and then you invoke the SPICE program to process that plain-text file. SPICE then generates readable output with an analysis of the circuit, either in plain-text form of in a format suitable to graphic display using other software applications. While this may seem primitive in comparison to ``WYSIWYG'' style circuit analysis programs where you draw a picture of the circuit to be analyzed, using SPICE to analyze simple circuits is far from complicated, and becoming familiar with writing SPICE code is an excellent introduction to text-based computer programming, which any serious student of electronics needs to learn anyway.
Here is SPICE2G6 compiled for Microsoft Windows XP, to be run in the command-line window (cmd). This is a precompiled set of executables and dynamically-linked libraries:
Here is SPICE2G6 for the Linux operating system. After unpacking this ``tar'' source code archive file, you will need to compile it to create an executable: spice2g6.tar
A more modern version of SPICE is NGSPICE, the particular version hosted here is version 26. This is a derivative project based on SPICE version 3, copyright (1996) by the Regents of the University of California under a modified BSD license. A user's manual complete with all copyright notices and licenses is avaiable here: Ngspice version 31 manual (PDF)
Here is NGSPICE version 31 compiled for Microsoft Windows. It comes with an interactive terminal and graphic display. Simply extract all files contained in the ``zip'' archive: NGSPICE also supports legacy ``batch'' mode operation as well, where you invoke NGSPICE at the command prompt (cmd) and receive text output.
Here is NGSPICE version 26 for the Linux operating system. After unpacking the source code archive file, you will need to compile it to create an executable: ngspice-26.tar.
Here is a simple terminal-based program called TSHOOT useful for practicing circuit troubleshooting. After unpacking the source code archive file, you will need to compile it to create an executable: tshoot_2v0.tar. This program runs well under Microsoft's ``Windows Subsystem for Linux'' (WSL), and natively under Apple OS X or Linux. Instructions on setting up WSL for a Microsoft Windows operating system may be found on Microsoft's website. Instructions on how to set up TSHOOT may be found here. Schematic diagrams for each of the simulated circuits may be downloaded here in PDF form:
Listed below are printed circuit board layout files (some with PDF-format schematic diagrams) useful for student projects and general labwork. All PCB files are source files created using the gEDA Project's ``PCB'' circuit board editing software unless otherwise noted, from which you may export Gerber files for your own board production.
Any robust technical education curriculum should provide opportunities for students to build realistic projects. The following pages show examples of completed student projects as well as future project ideas.
This is the ``archive'' file for the Modular Electronics Learning project, in ``tar'' format which is a popular archival format on Unix-based operating systems: model.tar
Download this file to your computer, place it in a directory suitable for storing all the source files of this project, and then run the following command to extract all the individual files from this archive:
tar xvf model.tar
Every single file that is part of this project is covered by the Creative Commons ``Attribution'' license, which gives you freedom to pick specific files and incorporate them into your own project(s) if desired. All you must do is attribute original authorship of these files to myself.
An alternative to downloading this (very large!) archive file is to simply download individual source files for specific learning modules. Most of the files for this project are hosted in one directory, which means, for example, all you need to do to download the source LaTeX code for the text and formatting of the Series-Parallel Circuits learning module (mod_seriesparallel) is to replace the URL in your web browser ending in mod_seriesparallel.pdf with mod_seriesparallel.latex.